Gracie's most commented articles

  • Just went High Tech!

    My cells have been provided by my job for the last 8 years.. First a nice cell.. Then they gave me a Blackberry 3 years ago.. Today I got an IPHone! The 4 not 5 but hey, it's kool and it's free! Sometimes I love my job!

  • Apparently I'm not married to the man I married! Venting!

    My Rick went to see an Allergist today. He has had trouble in the fall so we thought we'd finally see exactly what he's allergic to. For my newer friends he had congestive heart failure due to a virus that invaded his heart just under 2 years ago. His ejection factor was down to 12(very bad) and he was hospitalized for 2 weeks in serious condition.. So now when ever he gets a cold, or a nasal drip and starts coughing etc, right away the Dr's jump on him so to speak. One of the things we know is…

  • Phot Phun-In The Warm Glow

    This is a Sunset in Arizona.. My daughter was there for business last year and took this shot off of her balcony...

  • Photo Phun- Kitchen impliment

    Have some Wine? This would be a fun gadget at a party! Certainly works to take care of several guests at one time! :-)

  • Photo Phun-Wrinkles

    My Aunt Vie on her birthday LAST year with my cousin, her grandson.. She now has a great-great grandson..She was 103 and turned 104 this September.. These are well earned wrinkles! By the way, she still lives in her home, and has all her faculties.. Basically she's fine!! We (The family) think she's just amazing!

  • Feeling much better- And getting antsy now...

    I no loger walk like Igor.. Nor do I drag my leg around like the Mummy.. And I can go up and down the stairs with minimal issue.. It just gets sore if I overdue a bit.. Stand too long, take the stairs too many times, that sort.. But my Rick is adamant I keep low key yet. And I have too much to do and have been housebound since Sunday now.. My group of guys went to our annual very expensive, very good Steak dinner out (company paid) and Secret Santa gift exchange.. I really missed that and they…

  • :-(

    Decorated my entire tree..Got my village done. Took 3 days to get it all done. As I finish I Looked up and ONE Strand right in the middle, under 4 zilllion ornaments died! Before I got to take even the first "completed" picture!!! Sure I have "in progress"pics.. But not a single all decorated with village done pic... Trying to wear my Big Girl Panties.. Not working too well..Although I'll get over it.. I'll still post pics but it's just not quite going to be the same.. The village with the train…

  • I've been having a thought or two..

    There are so many people on here that I've come to know and like. From all over the world and/or country we live in.. We have different ways of saying things. Different ways to live and different ways to celebrate or not celebrate the Holidays. For me it will forever be Christmas and a time to be thankful and happy I have my family around me. Also to miss those who have gone past. I know many of you find this a hard time of year for one reason or another. Some it just isn't your thing or some m…

  • So will this be a good thing for me or not? Sort of a rant here.....

    But I'm just not sure how this is going to work. I doubt it will be in my favor. One of the women at my company runs the Office Services department. Mail room, messengers, building supplies, etc. She has several areas and employees under her. She's finally retiring February 1st. I just found out this morning from my boss that I will be taking over several of her responsibilities to do with billing for our phone systems and cell phones. Now our company has the NYC home building, my building w…

  • I feel so inadequate!

    I've just been perusing some of your photos.. My goodness they are unbelievable! So totally beautiful and professional looking! Normally I just post the little pics of things around me. My family, garden, etc.. Some of them are so good they look like you could sell them and make good money too! Well, more power to you all! I am enjoying them immensely! Keep on posting!

  • A tad better today..

    Well today I am a little less cranky.. Which really is nothing much short of a small miracle considering.. Meaning that I couldn't sleep last night so read until 1 a.m. My stomach was and is bothering me.. I have a miserable headache that just won't go.. Oh I do sound whiny don't I? Well, the plus is I haven't bitten anyones head off today. (I did have a taste of chocolate!) There's only one more day of work this week and that's a short day ending at 2. It's Labor day weekend here in the States.…

  • When men get sick they're very different than women.

    Now I know I'll start an uproar if I don't qualify this.Generally speaking this is MOST MEN NOT ALL! They seem to fall into two categories. The "babies".. Can't do a thing for themselves and want their wives, girlfriends to take care of every little thing from getting them tea to washing their back! These are the men who revert to their childhood. They want mommy to make them feel all better. And God forbid they should have to do anything while they are sick! Whine, whine, whine! Don't you d…

  • Silly things & bits I'm thinking of..

    I was crazy in love with Mighty Mouse when I was 5.. I wanted to marry him.. I didn't know you couldn't marry a cartoon. Or a mouse for that matter. The plant in front of my desk is high and leans sideways. I keep imagining Arte Johnson from the show "Laugh In" in his German soldier costume coming from behind the plant saying "Interesting, very interesting. But Shtoopid". That always made me laugh.. Along with Lilly Tomlin playing the operator and snorting "One ringy dingy, two ringy dingy…

  • Got a lot going on today...

    So why am I on line you might ask? Well, I just can't help but stop by and say Good Morning to all my friends here... Rick has already left the house to go on a Motorcycle run done by the town Rotary.. He'll be out of the house till at least 2pm which is good as that gives me the peace to get done as I wish... I am going to bake a Date nut loaf bread today. Been meaning to give it a try but just got a recipe from Nancy that I think should work nicely.. Have to get to the store and buy some I…

  • Ok here's some of my riding gear!

    What I actually DO wear! My leather jacket is not a regular style MC jacket.. It's one I had.. No need to buy one...Yet.. And I don't have a pic of that.. These I do as I copied them out of the online catalog I bought them from.. But I do wear a vest in the turning weather. Same for the gloves.. Boots are always.. And the chaps are in the mail for the turn of the seasons! And YES I DO wear Jeans with my Chaps! LOL! I don't want to scare people!

  • Storm

    Thanks for all your good wishes. We have a few days till this gets to us. For once I hope the forecasters are wrong! What Max didn't tell you in her blog is that part of the problem is I have a "weather phobia" to a point.. I try really hard not to freak out, but with everyone talking gloom and doom. It's actually being spoken about in my office next to me right now.. All sorts of emergency procedures and precautions.. .. It gets difficult for me to stay rational.. I understand usually it's neve…

  • I'm sorta back!

    I am at work and just giving you a quick update. Here at work there is no problem. Surrounding areas and by my home (most of NJ) has no power yet. Gets a bit chilly taking a shower with no heat! We sustained only minor damage to the roof of our home. Nothing that can't be fixed. But hopefully will be before the next rain! They expect us to be without power for upwards of 2 weeks. I hope not... My daughter has power so we may have to move there for a while simply because we can't keep the hou…

  • My Power came back last night..

    So now we are waiting for our roof to be repaired. Supposedly they will be here this week. The other problems we are experiencing is they had lost power to the Gasoline depots. So they can't get gas to the stations.. 80% of the stations are out. The rest have long lines.. I still have 3/4 of a tank but traffic is so bad right now. It took me 75 minutes to make my normally 20 minute commute in today. There are still many people without service and areas are still flooded. Besides gas there has…

  • Good Morning

    Sitting here thinking of what is going on around me.. It's been such an incredibly stressful week. And I have no where near any reason to complain mind you.. I just don't deal well with stressful situations. And it seems like at work that's all anyone was speaking about. I could not block them out of my head! One of the guys I work with is the worst of the Gloom and Doomers! Everything is a world ends problem! I told him to knock it off a couple of times. And I refused to deal with them much t…

  • Spoke to Max briefly

    Not for very long as I'm at work.. She is fine. The move went ok.. Her cats aren't happy but I guess they need to adjust. Still no internet access and she has no idea when she will have it. She sends her love to all. I will try and call her again in a few days or next week to keep getting updates.

83 articles in total