Thanks for all your good wishes. We have a few days till this gets to us. For once I hope the forecasters are wrong! What Max didn't tell you in her blog is that part of the problem is I have a "weather phobia" to a point.. I try really hard not to freak out, but with everyone talking gloom and doom. It's actually being spoken about in my office next to me right now.. All sorts of emergency procedures and precautions.. .. It gets difficult for me to stay rational.. I understand usually it's never as bad as they make out.. But it's one of those things about phobias.. They aren't rational.. I WILL be fine! And I will stay in touch. If we lose power for a few days, then you just won't hear from me till all is back. Flooding and power loss is usually the worst scenario. But a few prayers won't hurt!

And btw, Chris isn't so very far away from me either! Maybe an hour or so by car... Not sure if where he is will be affected. But I think it's a definite possiblility....