I was crazy in love with Mighty Mouse when I was 5.. I wanted to marry him.. I didn't know you couldn't marry a cartoon. Or a mouse for that matter.

The plant in front of my desk is high and leans sideways. I keep imagining Arte Johnson from the show "Laugh In" in his German soldier costume coming from behind the plant saying "Interesting, very interesting. But Shtoopid". That always made me laugh.. Along with Lilly Tomlin playing the operator and snorting "One ringy dingy, two ringy dingy ".. That's a show that should have reruns shown often and all over the world. Silly, funny, not political and not cursing!

I can't wait till the elections are over in November. Maybe then everyone will get off their soap boxes! I have my opinions and like discussing them. But you can't have a friendly conversation because people are CRAZED right now!

Sometimes something will make me think of a song and I can't get it out of my head. The other day my daughter was in Philadelphia and took a picture of the "Rocky Balboa" statue. That was the end of that! The theme from Rocky just wouldn't go away!

I love to read the silly things people write on here.. Max teases Sue, Sue teases Mick, Mick teases Jenny and so on! I Love it!

And am I one of the only ones still working full time in this group? Besides my crazy friend Carolie? (Yes you're crazy and I love you the more for it!)