So now we are waiting for our roof to be repaired. Supposedly they will be here this week. The other problems we are experiencing is they had lost power to the Gasoline depots. So they can't get gas to the stations.. 80% of the stations are out. The rest have long lines.. I still have 3/4 of a tank but traffic is so bad right now. It took me 75 minutes to make my normally 20 minute commute in today. There are still many people without service and areas are still flooded. Besides gas there has become something of a food shortage in certain areas. Mainly due to the trucks not being able to get through..We are very grateful that our family is safe and whole.. I have spoken to or gotten messages from most of my family. I feel terrible for those whose homes and belongings have been destroyed. Our beautiful beaches, pictures I shared with you earlier this year barely 2 months ago, are dessimated. But I have no doubt that in a couple weeks this will be behind most of us who have not been affected as badly. The worst is over for us. But there are still many who can use an extra prayer..