Avenida da República, I

The Nick Cave's obsessions are also mine



and death

persistently walk along day's memory

at the music's pace invented in the 9th floor of a building at Avenida da República

where I hear sirens

every time

like there were only wounded


and dead persons in the city

taking a shortcut towards the burying ground.

The indifferent sun protects me from sadness

shrill and intermittent sounds turn up into a Spring' spiral till its loss in the blue

transparent clouds


rest in the sky



and death

while I navigate through Internet

looking for the soul.

(to read the original Portuguese version please click on the picture)

by Armando TABORDA, in "POETÂNEA 5", Edition by the Authors, 2006

(post 1st edition, 2008; 2nd edition, 2017; 3rd edition, 2021)