Latest IMA Newsflash - 24th November 2017.

full text here ...
I have C&P the English text below.

Dear members and friends of ipernity!

1) As you know, our community received ipernity "as it is". With regard to the database it unfortunately consists a lot of spam and abandoned accounts. Nevertheless we have made good progress in removing a lot of them. This removals have no impact on the excellent content of ipernity that you have contributed.

2) While we're at it we are analysing the whole database. This work is not yet finished, but the first evaluation is strengthening our confidence in the future of ipernity a lot:
- total estimated number of vivid accounts > 30,000
- total estimated number of club members > 1,200
- total estimated number of free members with more than 200 entries and frequent access >3,000
(Figures calculated on the basis of different basic sets, covering ~ 50% of existing accounts with a confidence level of 95%.)

3) In some cases you may have been informed automatically, that you've been promoted to a Group Admin. It happens, if you are the next longest serving member of that Group. We cannot change this and how it happens at the moment. You may regard this appointment as a chance - or you may pass it to the next one in an easy way: Just quit the group (without deleting your entries) and enter into it again.

4) Meanwhile the discussion about the 'frontpage redesign study' has died down. A clearly arranged summary may be found here:

On behalf of IMA
Eric and William