A day late in my C&P [EN] only - apologies.
Full details to be found here : www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4686842

Dear Members and friends of Ipernity!

On 8th of September - one week after the transfer of this website from ipernity S.A to ima - we've informed you that we would recheck the deadline for the acceptance of subscriptions, which have been made before Dec. 31st, 2016, if the site’s financial condition would allow it.

Meanwhile we've evaluated the whole database of ipernity (with more than 210,000 accounts) completely. The result is pleasing: The number of club-members is sufficient (approximately 1,500), the number of potential club members is promising (approximately 3,000 users which are using this website frequently and have uploaded more than 200 entries). Furthermore the number of subscriptions is growing again since the transfer.

Balancing a responsible handling of the entrusted crowdfunding capital and the incoming flow of cash with the expenses for the desired development of this website we feel that we are now able to reward all loyal members of ipernity for their trust in the future of this site. Therefore we have agreed to accept all biennal subscriptions which have been made before Dec. 31st, 2016, too.

Of course this decision will stress the budget somewhat. But in our opinion the financial situation is stable enough to bear such an one-off outflow.

We wish you a beautiful Saint Nicholas' Day!

On behalf of IMA
Eric and William