Well it’s Thursday, it’s hot and sunny, and we have a severe weather warning for Sunday with high waves and heavy rain, with the occasional torrential downpour. How lovely. It looks like we’ll have to batten down the hatches, and if it’s not too bad, I’ll have to get out the boat and get some provisions in. There’s barely any meat here, and the cabin boy (my son) doesn’t eat much in the way of vegetables. I love vegetables, and there’s very few that I don’t eat, so I do find it strange that veg is an anathema as far as the cabin boy is concerned. Even the ship’s dog eats more veg than him! I hope to pull some of the weeds from the plant pots on the decking before the rain, and I’ll group the pots a little to protect them from the predicted wind too. Good job we have a strong anchor!

In our street is a disabled berth. The person who requested and used it has moved away. We have a new neighbour, in a different house, who needs a disabled berth. Now, wouldn’t common sense dictate that the new neighbour could use the disabled berth already there? No, don’t be silly. The council are going to remove the disabled berth (paint over the lines to you land lubbers) and the new neighbour will have to request one themselves. Oh, and by the way, they’ve been advised this could take 4 years. It beggars belief! Instead, the new neighbour is going to trash their garden, and berth their boat (car) on their property. Way to go. Our council really is run by morons and job’s worth’s.

There’s just over two weeks until I’m off, and the ‘big event’ and they still haven’t advised if we’ll be allowed into work. I do despair! If they do allow us on site, then the police will need to be advised of our details so they can ensure that we’re ‘good’ people and not liable to cause any affray. I can see this being left so late, that we’ll be ‘forced’ to use up our leave or go against local police advice and travel. If it comes to that, I may just log on from home and ‘work from home’ unless something urgent crops up. I’m hoping someone will get off their butt and make a bloody decision!

Despite my blog, I'm actually feeling quite calm and relaxed today. I had a pretty good sleep, swinging in my hammock, and strangely don't feel hungry today. It's peaceful in work, and I had a nice lunch break at home playing with the dog. Oh well, back to work ;)

Hope you all have fair winds and calm seas, and that the predicted storms miss the country.