I’m off work this week, and this morning it was nice and cool so I decided to weed the front garden. I dead headed some low growing shrubs – no idea what they are, weeded in between the hydrangeas, and cut down the leaves from the mini blue irises. I’ve tried to get a fork in and lift some of the bulbs to transplant them, but no luck. I’ll have to wait for some rain. Originally I planted 7 bulbs and they’ve spread like you wouldn’t believe! I also threw out some of the fennel that I tried to grow. It’s supposed to be bulb fennel, and harvested next month, yet the stems are barely as thick as a finger. No good there then! Unfortunately my neighbour decided to come and ‘chat’ to me. When I say chat, I really mean ‘whine.’ She has a lovely council house, pays less water rates for 5 of them than I pay for 2 of us, has everything new, drives a BMW, has recently had a total kitchen and bathroom refit, and this week had a brand new gas far installed. She has never worked. She has never paid taxes. Her partner barely works. And all she does is complain: the workmen left a mess; the workmen were late; they didn’t tile the way she wanted them to. It goes on. I find it so hard to like her, especially when I put washing on in the morning; hang the clothes out in my lunch break, have to do housework/gardening after work and all she does is complain and say she’s bored! Anyway, I cut the gardening short just to escape from her complaining. I’m quite content and satisfied with my life and though sometimes it can be hard, other people are far worse off than I am. Some have everything handed them on a plate and never seem content or satisfied. Sad really...

Tomorrow I’m off to do chores for my sister and to take her grocery shopping, and Thursday I’m seeing my other sister; she’s going to sort me out with some head scarves for after my little operation. My best friend/landlord was on the phone this morning talking about it and I had to put his mind at rest; I’m sure it’ll all be fine. I’m more worried about how much of my hair I might lose! Talk about vain lol, hence the headscarves :)

This cooler weather is very welcome as far as I’m concerned and at least I’m managing to sleep a little better. I even splashed out and bought myself a new pillow; I’ve had a lot of aches in my neck and shoulders so I’m hoping a fresh new pillow will sort me out.

Enjoy your week, I’ll pop on when time allows.