This week, we’ve had health appointments between us. My son had an eye check-up, and his sight has improved to the extent that he needed a new prescription. Jammy! Apart from the cost, I wish my eyesight would improve, though at my age, it isn’t likely. He had new frames too and had 2 pairs for the price of one. Not as expensive as my prescription, thank goodness, though costly enough.

Tuesday, I phoned the surgery and asked to speak to, or see, a doctor. I have a couple of issues and wanted to see a GP. They made me an appointment for that morning. Great! Or so I thought. When you phone, you have to tell the receptionist your symptoms. I’m really against this, as this information is between the GP and patient, and having to relate symptoms to a receptionist, who isn’t trained as far as I know, does not sit comfortably with me. Anyway, I had the appointment, and it seems I have an outer ear infection. I have a prescription for a spray for my ears. I then discussed my other issue, and she made some noises, and suggested Ibuprofen. I told her I have 2 health issues that prohibit me from using this, though she said it would be okay. She further suggested that if the issue isn’t resolved that I should see a GP who would refer me to the hospital for an X-ray. At this point I told her I had asked to see a GP, and she obviously wasn’t one. The receptionist had decided to play god, and ‘fobbed me off’ with a nurse! No offence to nurses, though I had specified I needed to see a GP.

Afterwards, I went to the chemist to get my prescription for an ear spray. I pressed the little bell to announce I was there. After 5 minutes, I pressed it again. After a while the pharmacist sauntered over, slow as you like, and I explained why I was there. To cut a long story short, it took 30 minutes to get my prescription! This is Lloyds Chemist. Not for the first time have I experienced appalling service from Lloyds, and if it continues, I shall nominate a different chemist to take my prescriptions. The spray is nasty lol. A cold wet spray, into each ear. Hopefully it will do the trick. As for Ibuprofen, I can’t take it according to the packaging. Meh!

Once home, I saw that I had a missed call from the surgery. Strange… Later, they called again, and it was the nurse that I’d seen. I reckon she must have had a word with a GP, and they’ve now decided that I should have an X-ray as they suspect I’ve broken my collar bone; it's quite swollen and very tender though could be 'just' arthritis. Anyway, the hospital will be in touch with an appointment. If it’s either of these things, it could be the fuel I need to move to a different department in the supermarket, hopefully stock control, or till work. Either would be less stressful on my ‘old’ body.

Later in the week I had my check-up at the eye clinic. Soon as I arrived, I was taken to a small room for a quick vision test. I was impressed! That was short-lived however, as I then sat in the waiting room for ages before seeing the specialist. She saw me almost 55 minutes past my appointment. No apologies, no excuses. After looking at my eyes for all of 5 minutes, she declared they’re looking good, to continue with the cleaning regime, and she doesn’t need to see me again unless I experience any further issues. She wasn’t at all interested in the fact that my tear duct seems to be infected and is very sore. Good grief!

After a few days, I managed to see my manager in work, and mentioned my suspected injury. I’m only doing ‘light’ picks, hopefully until an x-ray can determine what, if any, damage has been done. I asked if there were other light duties I could do, and he said he’d have a word with his manager and try and set something up. That would be good, though I won’t hold my breath…

The title? To make us look more festive, several of us have been given Santa hats. It’s cold there now and pulling said hat down over my ears is keeping me cosy. A colleague joked that with my hat pulled down, and my mask on, there’s little of my face to be seen and she reckons that I look like a gangster Santa! LMAO It gave us all a good laugh anyway :)