This week, work has again been relentless. Last week I worked 5.5 hours overtime, this week it was 5 hours overtime, and next week it’ll be 9 hours overtime, as I’ve picked up an extra shift of 4 hours plus an hour over every day for 5 days. Phew! As mentioned before, I have the annual car bills coming up, so it’ll be useful, plus the dog needs arthritis meds, and he has to have a blood test first. Not cheap! One colleague was complaining that he’s working overtime whilst others leave on time – a complaint was made about him, another was complaining that it’s not fair that she keeps being asked whilst some say no. They do ask a lot; however, we can say no, and nobody is forced. I’ll be tired, no doubt, and may regret the extra shift, however nobody is forcing me, and the extra money will be very welcome. One bright note, a customer was banging on the door today at 8:25 (Sunday) demanding we open the doors and let him in LMAO. Our Sunday trading laws have been in place for decades! Unless you are new to the UK, there’s no excuse not to know these laws.

All week people have been mostly good, wearing a face covering despite the relaxation of restrictions. Lots of customers, and staff too, wearing the face coverings. Sunday morning, I went mask less. No customers for 3 hours, not too many staff in, so what the hell. It was wonderful to feel able to breathe freely. I don’t breathe properly with a mask on as I keep steaming up, so not wearing the mask was great. I still have a slight eye and ear infection, and now eczema on my eyelid too which is a total drag and so uncomfortable. If they don’t clear up soon, I’ll have to see the nurse. Not even any point trying to see a GP in these parts, and our surgery is still closed. Beggars’ belief.

Despite being on amber alert for heavy rain, then maybe we’ll get rain, by late Sunday afternoon, we hadn’t had a drop, nor is any forecast now until maybe Tuesday. Sighs… I really was hoping for some rain to cool things down, damp down the pollen – my hay fever is out of control lol, but also the rain would be good for the garden; I’m fed up with watering my potted plants already.

Other than that, it’s hot. Too hot to sleep well. Too hot to relax. Too hot for the dog – he actually snarled at me today. I cut him some slack as we’re all too hot, and we’re grumpy, though I did scold him a little.

Well, I’m off to have some ice cream. Hot weather is a good excuse to enjoy some ice cream – not that I need an excuse lol.

Take care out there, try and keep cool.