So, I’ll start by saying I haven’t been drinking. Honestly, I haven’t. Far too early for one thing. This morning (Sunday) I popped over to our local supermarket to get a few items I need for dinner. Initially we were going to have beef curry, however after making Chinese food recently, we decided we’d rather have beef casserole, so a few veggies were needed. At the crossing I waited for 6 or 7 motorbikes to pass, 2 of which were huge and very nice indeed. I used to ride a bike, in another lifetime, though only managed to ride/purchase a 125cc. I love to look at them though, and often, in the supermarket car park where I used to live in Wales, there was 3-wheeler motorbike complete with partial canopy. Nice! Especially now that I’m older. I digress… Walking home I heard motorbikes so stopped to look, thinking it might be the big bikes from earlier, and did a double-take. The riders of 2 bikes each had colourful furry helmets with ears on. No idea if these are legal, though they looked like bears on motorbikes and it made me laugh. Bizarre!

The image above is very like what I saw today.

I finally have some meds for my peripheral neuropathy and so far, I’ve had 3 good night’s sleep in a row. Each night I’ve woken once – two nights because I was coughing, the third night no reason - and have fallen straight to sleep again to wake around 5.30am. This is a vast improvement on waking 3 or 4 times a night and sometimes having to read before pain or my active mind will shut up again and let me sleep. I need to increase the dose after 2 weeks, taking a dose in the daytime, and hopefully this will alleviate pain in my legs during the day. I’m already feeling a tad brighter in myself; it’s amazing what a good night’s sleep will do for you. Hopefully I’ll continue to sleep well and won’t need to take the meds for too long as I hate taking pills or meds of any kind. Still no results from my blood tests which is beyond as I might need iron replacements if I’m anaemic. Talk about slow…

Here it’s been dry, however it’s also been cloudy and windy. It’s taking all day to dry the laundry outside but at least it’s free. We’ve had frosty starts for 4 days now and it’s bitterly cold in the open. It’s set to warm up here over the next few days and we should have temperatures in double figures. That will be nice.

My son is now off for Easter holidays, so we don’t need to go out at all in rush hour traffic. Bliss! Some drivers here, as anywhere, are so impatient in rush hour traffic and they make me feel quite anxious especially when they’re tailgating me because I stick to the speed limit. Aren’t I a pain? LMAO. Depending on parking in the street, I might pop out one day to a centre a few miles away that has a huge garden centre and other smaller shops. It’s a bit touristy however it’s a great place to spend an hour or 2 just browsing. I get a little stir crazy sometimes, so a trip out will be nice. Just hope it’ll warm up as forecast.

Enjoy what’s left of the weekend and have a great week.