It seems I’ve finally lost the plot. I’m not sure if I can blame lack of sleep as I’ve had a few good nights, can’t blame being too busy as things are just ticking over here, maybe my age? LOL. I sent my sister a Birthday card, addressed it to her, and signed it from her. OMG. She thought it was funny, I’m embarrassed about making such a stupid mistake. I’ve also sent a card to my niece, and one to my son for their Birthdays. I just hope I’ve signed those correctly. I’m me, I’m pretty sure I’m not my sister…

Speaking of, my sister had a hospital appointment today for her psoriasis which is bad at present. The specialist sent her away with various creams and told her to come back in a month. Not quite what she was hoping for, though I’m not clear what else can be done for her.

Mum has good days and bad and has a bruised eye now. She was rubbing her eye, wouldn’t stop, and now it’s bruised. Some days she seems like herself, and is a sweetie, and other days acts like a petulant child hurting herself because she knows it upsets us. I don’t know how long she can remain living at home like this.

Twice recently we were forecast rain, and none appeared. Tuesday was unbearably hot, Wednesday was cool and felt like rain all day but remained dry, and Thursday started off very cold though we did have sunshine by the afternoon. It can’t make up its mind. Gracie – I suggest snow gear, shorts, and a raincoat ;)

I’ve taken down 2 sets of curtains and washed and folded them. I thought I’d make good use of the dry weather whilst we have it. I’ve pegged a sheet to the curtain rail to keep the room cool in the absence of curtains. I’ll pack a very nice mirror I have, in the curtains, so hopefully it’ll survive the move. I’ve been grubbing around for more boxes, gave up, and ordered some more online. I doubt I’ll fill them all, but it’s good to have spares and they’ll keep for the next house move though hopefully not for a few years. Three weeks and it’ll all be over with; can’t wait.

My ex asked when our son would be home, so he can phone him on his Birthday. I’ve replied that he’s still away, still has classes. I haven’t told him he won’t be coming back to this house again, nor that we’re moving soon. He sent the card here, and I opened it whilst on Skype with my son, so he could see it. The usual stuff: when are you coming to Oz… He just can’t seem to get his head around the fact that our son doesn’t want to visit him. He also doesn’t want his Dad to know our new address or phone number. I can understand his reasons, though it does place me in an awkward situation. I’ve tried not communicating with his Dad, but then his wife emails me. Oh dear…

If you have rain, send it to me please; I’m sick of sunshine for a little while and sick of hay fever too. I’ve recently had rice with chillies and lemongrass, and curry another day, and honestly, I couldn’t taste them. I suspect my taste buds have gone on strike. I can’t smell much and can’t taste hardly anything. The only meal I really enjoyed recently was a turkey and bacon club sandwich. Enough ramblings, enjoy the rest of the week.