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Publication date  /  2017  /  September  /  28   -   2 articles

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  • ('Til) I Kissed You

    - 28 Sep 2017
    Here is the studio demo for "('Til) I Kissed You" (Don Everly) with The Crickets Sonny Curtis on guitar and Jerry Allison on drums. The hit had Chet Atkins on guitar and Buddy Harman on drums. The single peaked at number four on Billboard in 1959.

  • Devoted To You

    - 28 Sep 2017
    The Everly Brothers issued "Devoted To You" (Boudleaux and Felice Bryant) as the B side to "Bird Dog" in 1958 and peaked at number two on both the pop and R&B charts while attaining the number seven country position. Carly Simon released the album