Well it seems to have been a long time since I wrote this, because we have been very fortunate that it hasn't rained for a while. Well okay it might have done it at night, but today it was constant for most of the day.

I took advantage of a break in the rain and went outside to take some photos - you know what I'm like when it's been raining!!! LOL

Anyway whatever the weather has been like this year - it's certainly made my flowers grow and grow!

The Japanese anemone - I have never known it to be so prolific - it's wonderful........

As you can see there are lots of them around, and these were only in the front garden! Such a lovely display of colour and so delicate...........

See they look so sweet and even though it's raining.............

I could see that there are quite a few apples all ready to be picked, it's just that I can't reach them at the moment, so will wait til Fred comes along and I'll ask him to pick a few for me. Meanwhile I'll nick a few windfalls of Ann's!!!!

The other plants in the driveway really took a battering with the rain - and it wasn't until I got it on the computer, did I notice the little aphid on the mombretia (the photo above here) - then I found a small holly bush and the raindrops looked quite different when all in a blob on the leaves.

The reflections look quite nice don't they? Okay am off now to do my potatoes to go with my slow cooked beef stew. It's been smelling the house out all day - mmm.

Watched the Formula One Grand Prix qualifying race today from Monza in Italy - not surprised with Sebastian Vettel getting pole position, but was really surprised at Lewis Hamilton not finishing quicker than 11th position!!! Should be a great race tomorrow.