gin_able's groups

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Public groups in which gin_able is an administrator

  • breed


    Created 16 years ago

    description of the breed thank you

  • UrbEx / BurbEx (Urban & Suburban Exploration)

    UrbEx / BurbEx (Urban & Suburban Exploration)

    Created 16 years ago

    Worldwide urban/suburban/rural exploration and infiltration of abandoned & decayed structures (industrial, commercial, hospitals, farms, barns, etc.)... some of these sites may even be active, if you dare! If you have a cool story to share of an experience while exploring, please share it here... Did you get caught? Did you find something interesting? Let's hear about it! :)

  • Iper Meeting in Paris (june)

    Iper Meeting in Paris (june)

    Created 13 years ago

    Salut, Hye, i' ve just watched again some souvenirs from 2 years ago... how fun we had all together..... think 2011 is time for another Ipernity Meeting I offer Paris in june in order to make it "central" please try to join others that came to previous meetings :D if you're ok join ! if you want to help, thanks ! Je regardais de vieilles photos datant d'il y a deux ans et je me suis dis "ce serait chouette de revoir tout le monde" Rencontre Ipernity à Paris en juin ! afin de relan…

  • IPMeeting: Franken, Thüringen und Sachsen-Anhalt meets Zollverein

    IPMeeting: Franken, Thüringen und Sachsen-Anhalt meets Zollverein

    Created 14 years ago

    nib, gin_able, marcel und se_kwien zu Besuch auf Zollverein und bei der RUHR.2010 zusammen mit Freunden aus'm Rheinland :-) Und natürlich freuen wir uns über jeden Teilnehmer, den wir noch nicht kennen :o) . Bitte nur Bilder von diesem Wochenende posten! Und auch nur wenn man persoenlich am Treffen teilgenommen hat!!!

  • Brass: the singing metal

    Brass: the singing metal

    Created 16 years ago

    Every peace of brass: a trumpet, one horn and so on.

  • Kuh-les cows

    Kuh-les cows

    Created 16 years ago

    Alles rund um Kühe

  • Watering cans - Gießkannen

    Watering cans - Gießkannen

    Created 16 years ago

    Gießkannen Watering cans

  • Cats


    Created 16 years ago

    Take me to the kittens... ...this is the group about cats. Please post photos of cats. We welcome any kind of tasteful, artistic, color, black&white, photoshopped or modified photo of one or more cats. Of course this is a family friendly group that does not accept any form of nudity, but (this is originally from Nathalie [miss you!]...) if you have a photo of a naked cat - you are welcome ,,,=^..^=,,,

Public groups in which gin_able is a moderator

Public groups in which gin_able is a member