gin_able's groups

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Public groups in which gin_able is a member

  • Found Faces - Gesichter

  • Musica Humana

    Musica Humana

    Created 16 years ago

    Art music--the people who make it, the instruments they use, the places they perform. Genres accepted: --jazz --classic music (concert music, all cultures) --sacred music (ritual music, all cultures) --world music (folk music, all cultures) --acoustic instruments Aural and visual media are accepted. If you post a photo, you are the photographer. If you post a video or sound file, you are either the performer or the person who recorded the performance. This is not a group for overtly commerci…

  • On stage

    On stage

    Created 16 years ago

    Concert photography, live events, on stage

  • Photographers - taking a picture

    Photographers - taking a picture

    Created 17 years ago

    The faces behind the camera... Shoot the shooter :) Don´t spam in the name of this group. Don´t add "Seen in...", "Admired in..." or something like this in your comments. Continuous abuse will lead to being banned from this group. Thank you ♥ Moderated.

  • Gelungene Titel - Well done titles

    Gelungene Titel - Well done titles

    Created 15 years ago

    In dieser Gruppe sollen Bilder versammelt werden, die durch eine gelungene Titelwahl hevorstechen. In this group images shall be collected which have an original or well chosen title. These titles should be unusual or funny or poetic, whatever. I know it is often hard to decide whether a title is well done, and everybody have a different taste, so please do not be sad if I reject images.

  • Abandoned chairs and couches. - CLOSED

    Abandoned chairs and couches. - CLOSED

    Created 15 years ago

    This is for photos of chairs, sofas, couches, and other furniture that is used to sit on. These must be abandoned, and no longer wanted.

  • Drive-By Shootings

    Drive-By Shootings

    Created 14 years ago

    Images and/ or videos shot out of a driving/ moving vehicle . Please don't post images of cars whilst you are not in a moving car/ vehicle such as a train or a bus. Preferably through a closed window, but not necessarily :-) Inspired by David Bradford's Drive-By Shootings

  • Available Light

    Available Light

    Created 16 years ago

    ⚠️ ADMIN WANTED ⚠️ Low light photography. (handheld, without tripod, and without flash) Usually involves use of high ISO and wide aperture.



    Created 15 years ago

    Hier gehts NICHT um Flaschen im Müll, denn dafür gibt es schon eine Gruppe, die sich drum kümmert..... Hier gehts um leere - oder ausnahmsweise auch fast leere - Flaschen. Jedoch um die aus Glas, nicht die mit Haut und Knochen.......

  • Worldphoto


    Created 15 years ago

    - Schöne Fotos aller Art ( kein Porno) - Spass und Austausch von Gedanken - Fototips von Mitglieder für alle und vieles mehr - Beautiful Photos - Blumen / Flowers - Landschaften / Landscape - Städte / Citys - Tiere / Animals ........ - De belles photos de toutes sortes (pas de porno) - du plaisir et l'échange d'idées - Fototips pour tous les membres de, et bien plus encore - Beautiful Photos - Fleurs / Flowers - Paysages / Landscape - Villes / Citys - Animaux / Animals ....... .(French with T…

  • Nikon D300

    Nikon D300

    Created 16 years ago

    Images taken with Nikon D300, even though its a brand new camera. Images taken with the D300 will start to surface. Feel free to add all your images taken with a D300 to this group.

  • Domino


    Created 17 years ago

    Rules of the game Based on the old children's game "Dominoes", picture after picture is laid, whereby a picture element or a picture idea must be taken up in the following picture. This is to be marked with a note with the following content: "Dominoes: and why you think it was created appropriately". If you are not able to put notes on the picture due to your account status, please write it in the picture description. More game variations in the group discussions The group pool is the actu…

  • Tree ( The beauty of Trees captured by photography )

    Tree ( The beauty of Trees captured by photography )

    Created 16 years ago

    This group is about trees. It should be obvious that trees are the subject of the photo and not just a background for another motif. The media should be photography. Trees are natural wonders and should be shown in an honest way. No artwork, digital art or manipulations. All photos must be taken by the poster. Do not post any old photo that has a tree in it, or part of a tree. If the subject is not trees post the photo to another group Post And Comment

  • Trees


    Created 17 years ago

    Trees, Trees and much more Trees. TREES only. Photos depicting your love of trees. The place for all things arboreal. Moderated and limited ;)

  • Flatterband


    Created 16 years ago

    Flatterband - Absperrband - barrier tape -

  • Nürnberg - Nuremberg

  • Nature takes back

    Nature takes back

    Created 16 years ago

    We want to see here pictures showing how plants take back their place in a fully constructed and concreted world. For example, when a small birch tree grows from a gutter, or when thick tree roots break through asphalt. Wherever you see proof that nature is stronger than us.

  • Weekend Walk Wonderz [invite needed]

    Weekend Walk Wonderz [invite needed]

    Created 17 years ago

    SHOWCASE OF THE BEST PHOTO'S OF YOUR CONTACTS . Look every week at the photo's you faved and invite them to this group by using the group invitation and tag photos with "wwwonder" . For posting read Rules Invitation: -----------------------------------PLEASE COPY PASTE BETWEEN THESE LINES----------------------------------- My wwwonder you're invited to post your photo ------------------------------------------------------------------…

  • toilets all over the world

    toilets all over the world

    Created 15 years ago

    Share your pictures of toilets! lavatories, latrines, loos, bogs, outhouses, privvys, thrones, washrooms, restrooms, water closets, WCs, urinals, pissoirs, khazis, dunnies, toilet, wc, thron, washroom, latrine, bog, outhouse, closet, urinal, pissoir, kazhi, toilete, plumsclo, clos, clo, pissoir

  • The Dangerous Kitchen

    The Dangerous Kitchen

    Created 15 years ago

    This group is for images (photos, drawings, paintings, prints, the like) which – in a more or less special or unusual way – depict kitchen interiors, experiments with cooking tools and kitchen appliances of any kind, but also for those not-so-usual food shots (you’re encouraged to take exactly that literally. Shoot yer froot). Oh and by the way: the name of the group is nicked from a Frank Zappa composition from his 1983 album The Man from Utopia .