gin_able's groups

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Public groups in which gin_able is an administrator

  • Brass: the singing metal

    Brass: the singing metal

    Created 16 years ago

    Every peace of brass: a trumpet, one horn and so on.

  • breed


    Created 16 years ago

    description of the breed thank you

  • Cats


    Created 17 years ago

    Take me to the kittens... ...this is the group about cats. Please post photos of cats. We welcome any kind of tasteful, artistic, color, black&white, photoshopped or modified photo of one or more cats. Of course this is a family friendly group that does not accept any form of nudity, but (this is originally from Nathalie [miss you!]...) if you have a photo of a naked cat - you are welcome ,,,=^..^=,,,

  • Iper Meeting in Paris (june)

    Iper Meeting in Paris (june)

    Created 13 years ago

    Salut, Hye, i' ve just watched again some souvenirs from 2 years ago... how fun we had all together..... think 2011 is time for another Ipernity Meeting I offer Paris in june in order to make it "central" please try to join others that came to previous meetings :D if you're ok join ! if you want to help, thanks ! Je regardais de vieilles photos datant d'il y a deux ans et je me suis dis "ce serait chouette de revoir tout le monde" Rencontre Ipernity à Paris en juin ! afin de relan…

  • IPMeeting: Franken, Thüringen und Sachsen-Anhalt meets Zollverein

    IPMeeting: Franken, Thüringen und Sachsen-Anhalt meets Zollverein

    Created 14 years ago

    nib, gin_able, marcel und se_kwien zu Besuch auf Zollverein und bei der RUHR.2010 zusammen mit Freunden aus'm Rheinland :-) Und natürlich freuen wir uns über jeden Teilnehmer, den wir noch nicht kennen :o) . Bitte nur Bilder von diesem Wochenende posten! Und auch nur wenn man persoenlich am Treffen teilgenommen hat!!!

  • Kuh-les cows

    Kuh-les cows

    Created 17 years ago

    Alles rund um Kühe

  • UrbEx / BurbEx (Urban & Suburban Exploration)

    UrbEx / BurbEx (Urban & Suburban Exploration)

    Created 16 years ago

    Worldwide urban/suburban/rural exploration and infiltration of abandoned & decayed structures (industrial, commercial, hospitals, farms, barns, etc.)... some of these sites may even be active, if you dare! If you have a cool story to share of an experience while exploring, please share it here... Did you get caught? Did you find something interesting? Let's hear about it! :)

  • Watering cans - Gießkannen

    Watering cans - Gießkannen

    Created 16 years ago

    Gießkannen Watering cans

Public groups in which gin_able is a moderator

Public groups in which gin_able is a member

  • Abandoned


    Created 17 years ago

    empty buildings, space left alone

  • Abandoned chairs and couches. - CLOSED

    Abandoned chairs and couches. - CLOSED

    Created 15 years ago

    This is for photos of chairs, sofas, couches, and other furniture that is used to sit on. These must be abandoned, and no longer wanted.

  • Another view of the world

    Another view of the world

    Created 16 years ago

    With a little imagination, we can have a different view of our world. Exhibit this vision here. For invitations and comments please use following code. Copy and paste the whole line : < a href=" " > Another view of the world < /a> This should look like this : Another view of the world > WINNERS OF GAME N°4 " HEAT " first place "sweet heat" by be-mo-re second place " MMMo*-re heat " by franck*oO** " third place "fu…

  • Artistic Decay & Abandonments

    Artistic Decay & Abandonments

    Created 16 years ago

    Are you a lover of all things abandoned, decayed, rusty, and crusty? This group is about your most artistic captures and renditions of this subject... macros, extreme PoV's and angles, color treatments, cool scenes, etc. No quick snapshot photos please. Open to the whole world - I know there are such cool locations all over the globe... let's get a great collection going here! Have fun :)

  • Available Light

    Available Light

    Created 16 years ago

    ⚠️ ADMIN WANTED ⚠️ Low light photography. (handheld, without tripod, and without flash) Usually involves use of high ISO and wide aperture.

  • B+W


    Created 17 years ago

    Black and white photos only. Film or digital.

  • Büdchen, Bude, Kiosk, Trinkhalle, Imbissbude

    Büdchen, Bude, Kiosk, Trinkhalle, Imbissbude

    Created 15 years ago

    Stätten der Grund- und Notversorgung

  • Corrosion and Decay

    Corrosion and Decay

    Created 17 years ago

    This is a group for pictures of rust, industrial decay, deteriorated objects, abandoned and left behind things, be it in an urban or rural setting. Everything that is appealing in a different way.

  • Domino


    Created 17 years ago

    Rules of the game Based on the old children's game "Dominoes", picture after picture is laid, whereby a picture element or a picture idea must be taken up in the following picture. This is to be marked with a note with the following content: "Dominoes: and why you think it was created appropriately". If you are not able to put notes on the picture due to your account status, please write it in the picture description. More game variations in the group discussions The group pool is the actu…

  • Drive-By Shootings

    Drive-By Shootings

    Created 14 years ago

    Images and/ or videos shot out of a driving/ moving vehicle . Please don't post images of cars whilst you are not in a moving car/ vehicle such as a train or a bus. Preferably through a closed window, but not necessarily :-) Inspired by David Bradford's Drive-By Shootings



    Created 15 years ago

    Hier gehts NICHT um Flaschen im Müll, denn dafür gibt es schon eine Gruppe, die sich drum kümmert..... Hier gehts um leere - oder ausnahmsweise auch fast leere - Flaschen. Jedoch um die aus Glas, nicht die mit Haut und Knochen.......