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96 results.

  • looking for easter eggs in the garden!

    I took these photos this afternoon as this is what gave me the most pleasure on Easter day!

  • cow juice,living alone and Grandad to the rescue

    I made a quick dash to the shop this morning,I needed cow juice and since the Milkman stopped the daily doorstep deliveries I haven't been organised and occasionally run low.The same thing with my eggs and spuds. On the way I met up with 5 people and four of them were solo dwellers like myself. We are all of a similar age so I suppose that is to be expected. When I first lost Margaret 12 years ago I was in a poor state of health both mentally and physically and I found being alone for the fir… (read more)

  • Snow,egg juggling and soup

    We have had flurries of snow again today,not lots just enough for me to curtail my walk and head back to the cabin. I only got 1 mile in today,maybe tomorrow I'll have more luck. I decided on poached eggs on toast for lunch,after a bowl of Mushroom soup which went down well with bread. As I was taking two eggs to the pan one slipped,now juggling eggs is not my strong suit especially as one hand was already holding one. I missed the egg brought my knee up in a reflex action and neatly cracke… (read more)

  • rain Gladioli and Max

    A lousy drab grey rainy day here has put a stop to the clear up.At least there was one little piece of colour the Gladioli is in full bloom and brightens up the place. The same could be said of yesterday evening when Max provided some brightness and laughter when she Skyped me.It was a lovely surprise,thanks Max.When Jenny muscled in on the act it was time for me to head for the hills. They are both dear friends and sweet ladies but to have them both on at once was to much for my delicate sen… (read more)

  • A thunder storm,another trip to NUmpty HQ and a nice supper

    More rain after a dry morning a huge thunder storm rattled through and dumped a lot of water on us. The sun returned for a little while later but didn't last long. I was over at the Numpties again setting a wireless connection up for their new neighbours to get on the net using Dot's server and picked some fat balls up for the birds at the same time. Settled in for the night I wondered about supper, I thought egg and bacon flan but didn't feel like making pastry so I boiled some spuds up and s… (read more)

  • Ding dong, simple pleasures and photo fun No7 Pet.

    My new door bell arrived this morning so no more sleigh bells ringing in my ears. I searched through the 32 sounds for a dog,by the time I got to the end of the play-list I was rapidly losing the will to live. Inane tunes one after another had buffeted my poor ears. In the end no dog,the nearest was a bird of indeterminate species squawking away so I settled for that,I just hope he settles in and doesn't make a mess. You know when something simple gives you pleasure? well today it was scrambl… (read more)

  • 1-0 to the local boy and breakfast entertainment

    I put the new Tesco to the test this morning. I wanted bacon and eggs so Tesco being nearer than the local shop Mac's I wandered in there for a look see at the prices. This is the result 6 rashers of bacon and 6 free range eggs/ Tesco £5:07 Mac's £2:49 Round one to local shop man Alex me thinks. I watched my free show as normal at breakfast. We don't have any exotic animals or birds here but some of the song birds like the bluetits,chaffinch and the stunning Goldfinch are very colourful.… (read more)

  • Rain and Birthday

    This weekend, it’s the Deckhand’s Birthday. He’ll be 24. Where does the time go? I always ask if there’s anything he’d like as a gift, and invariably I give him money though this year he decided he’d like a bottle of nice cognac. A certain supermarket had this at a hugely reduced price, if the online site is to be believed, but by the time he asked for it, it was out of stock. For the past two weeks I’ve tried to get it but to no avail. Thursday, I tried 3 different supermarkets and did a little… (read more)

  • Easter photographs!

    These are mostly for the family who are far away, so that they can see how Mahé is growing up. He is 18 months old now and has started saying a lot of words both in French and English. I thought the photos of him looking for his easter eggs ar really beautiful, as this is the tradition in France where the eggs are hidden in the garden and the kids look for them. I think it's adorable! The photos of him in front of the computer show how quick they use it to learn, as he was dancing to nursery rhy… (read more)

  • Burl Ives: En la roksukermontaro (Big Rock Candy Mountain) / Sordough Slim (muzikvideo) / kun Cezar-traduko

    Burl Ives: En la roksukermontaro (Big Rock Candy Mountain) usona kanto Songwriters: SIEGMEISTER, ELIE / KERR, WALTER F. Refreno: Ho, abelozumad' jen en cigaredarb' ce l' fontan' de sodoklaro, ŝprucas limonadfarb', kantas blubirdar' en la roksuker-montaro. En somerotag', en la majmonat', ul' forta trampis surspure sur la ombra strat' ĉe l' sukerkanpad' ion celis laŭplezure. Kanton kant… (read more)

  • When I was a child part 1

    When I was growing up our diet hardly resembled the modern one. We would have potatoes roasted in beef dripping,chips fried in lard and also eggs,bacon etc shallow fried in the same stuff. Rice was something for making creamed puddings.We hadn't heard of curries,pasta or spaghetti.Pizzas were a long way in the future. There were no such things as low fat foods the fat content would give modern nutritionists nightmares. We had never heard of vegetarians or allergies to nuts or to anything el… (read more)

  • Some Moth Thoughts

    New Moth Trap

    Well I should begin from the beginning. Back in 2009 I got a descent bridge camera, the Panasonic FZ18, a nice little camera for the money. I knew my main interest was nature photos, so I got well into using my Raynox Macro Conversion and taking photos of insects. I began posting on Flickr and a local person Andy Phillips noticed my stuff, well I noticed his as well. He had amazing photos of the most incredible moths!! How does he do it, I had to know. So we began by going to a well lit foot b… (read more)

  • Thrills and Spills

    Usually I’m the klutz and have dropped any number of items including glass ware. Barely a day goes by when I haven’t dropped something and I seem to have trouble some days feeling what I’m touching. I must get a check-up. Anyway, over the past few days, it’s been my son spilling things. He rang me on Friday and announced that the salt cellar flew out of the cupboard when he opened the door. It bounced off the dog, poor thing, and shattered on to the floor. Shame really, as I’d not long filled it… (read more)

  • The Life of a Butterfly

    Green Hairstreak 05

    Someone said to me the other day that it was a shame such beautiful creatures only live for a day - which set me thinking. While some insects are as short-lived as this, butterflies are not, so I have written this article on their lifespan.

  • Gouged

    Since my move, I’ve been feeling well and truly gouged, financially speaking. As regular readers know, the removal firm held my goods hostage until I forked out over £200 extra, though I have had half of that back, and my car insurance charged me £20 just to change my address – it takes but a minute on a computer, and there are no paper copies involved, nor postage. I will not be renewing with Lloyds car insurance. The Ship’s Dog is chipped, and the company, Tracer, want almost £20 to change… (read more)

  • 5 en - Horizons Dream or Reality - Part 5 - New Garments - de eo fr es rus cn

    Gewänder -

    de - eo - fr - es - rus - cn Translations with Deepl esperanto with Googl This article published at Ipernity on 15.04.2009 read until 25.08.2021 1372 times Horizons - Dream or Reality Part 5 - New clothes Soon they are in front of a small shop. They go inside. Inside, a friendly saleswoman welcomes them. " Bonan tagon - Ĉu vi deziras - karaj geamikoj " " Mi deziras kostumojn por niaj amikoj. " Leoni says. " Good day - you wish - dear friends… (read more)

  • Linksfraktionsvize Christiane Schneider vergleicht den Dalai Lama mit Chomeini

      Eklat in der Hamburger Bürgerschaft. Linke-Fraktionsvize Christiane Schneider hat im Parlament das kommunistische China gewürdigt, das sich „aus der Erniedrigung kolonialer Abhängigkeit durch das imperialistische Ausland durch einen langen Krieg befreit“ habe. Anschließend verglich sie den Dalai Lama mit dem iranischen Revolutionsführer Ayatollah Chomeini. Die Uno habe „keine guten Erfahrungen mit Religionsführern gemacht“, das gelte für Chomeini wie für den Dalai Lama. Empörung bei C… (read more)

  • Tough luck with hard disk, or not ?

    I moved the major part of my photos to a hard disk not long ago and a relative kindly installed 'Photo Manager' on my Apple enabling me to move from the new and small photolibrary to the old and big and vice versa. I did this because I kept probably too many photos on my computer ( over 12 000). But disaster, or is it one? struck yesterday after I had chosen a number of pics to export and then to upload on ipernity. And I was feeling pleased having gone through a lot of material in order to ch… (read more)

  • Bonan apetiton, sinjoro Urban!

    Antaŭ 50 jaroj, en 1958, aperis la "Gastronomia Terminaro, Fakterminaro por Kelneroj kaj Kuiristoj", de la ĉeĥa kelnero Erhard Urban , kaŝita en la dua parto de la jarlibro de UEA. - Aventura vivo en la grandhoteloj de Eŭropo kaj saliv-fluiga terminaro.

  • Buried: le film le plus claustrophobique de l'histoire du cinéma

    "Neuf pieds sous terre, 90 minutes d'oxygène, un téléphone portable, aucune issue"... Buried, premier long métrage du Mexicain de Rodrigo Cortes, qui sort mercredi en salles, est l'un des films les plus attendus de cette fin d'année. Depuis sa présentation en septembre au Festival de Deauville, où il a fait sensation ( sauf sur le jury d'Emmanuelle Beart qui lui a préféré Mother and Child, un melo bien gluant), le buzz n'a cessé d'augmenter autour de ce que nos avions alors qualifié de "huis… (read more)