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567 results.

  • 1914 - Lest we forget - damit wir nie vergessen!

    Title page for the newsletter of the Lutheran parish St. Johannis of Lüneburg

    Hier mal ein Artikel aus dem Archiv, etwas überarbeitet. Ich schrieb diesen Artikel 2014 für den Gemeindebrief der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirchengemeinde St. Johannis zu Lüneburg zum 100. Jahrestag des Kriegsausbruch 1914.

  • Dialogische Überwindung der Klassik mit Esperanto

    1. Das dialogische neue Denken in der Philosophie hat den klassischen Idealismus schon mehr als hundert Jahre über­wunden. Fast gleichzeitig als auch die künstlerisch-kon­struierte, dialogische Sprache Esperanto erschien, welche gleichzeitig auch die klassische Linguistik überwand. Das war die Zeit der Sezession, als sich die Kunst nicht mehr den Re­geln der klassischen Tugenden unterwerfen wollte und suchte neue Wege. Für klassische Denker erschien diese neue Bewegung als ein nicht seriö… (read more)

  • Newsflash 2020-09-11

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) In the comments to the last Newsflash again many suggestions for improvement were made. We will do our best to fulfill them. However, it is not possible to make changes that require modifications of the database. With a ten-year-old database recording millions of uploads, ratings and comments linked together, the risk of causing critical follow-up problems would be too great. 2) Technical support would be helpful to accelerate the proce… (read more)

  • Newsflash 2020-08-28

    Frontpage 2020 (4:3 and 16:9) English

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) More than 250 club members have already subscribed for several years. This indicates great confidence in the future of ipernity. In addition, contributions for subsequent years are already being paid into the club's budget. This enables us to begin those modernisation measures that can only be carried out with the help of external service providers earlier than intended. 2) Of the more than 120 new club registrations of 2019, only 58 ar… (read more)

  • Ein schöner Sommertag im Jahre 2020 und Grippe Erinnerungen [en - fr - es - pt]

    Sommergarten in der Heimat

    [en - fr - es - pt] Ein schöner Sommertag im Jahre 2020 und Grippe Erinnerungen Ich sitze in einem schönen Garten etwas erhöht auf einer Hollywood Schaukel. Ich genieße den blauen Himmel oben mit den im Sonnenlicht glänzenden leise vorüberziehenden Wolken. Zu beiden Seiten grünende Bäume und Sträucher. Vorn rot und weiß b… (read more)

  • la covid-19


    Depuis peu, les catastrophes naturelles (comprendre les ouragans, typhons, tempêtes et autres joyeusetés météorologiques) portent alternativement un prénom féminin ou masculin. Autrefois l'Egypte a connu ses 10 plaies, toutes indifféremment genrées. (Égypte#Liste) -Les eaux du fleuve changées en sang - Les grenouilles -Les moustiques (ou les poux) -Les mouches (ou les taons ou les bêtes sauvages) - La mort des troupeaux - Les furoncles -L… (read more)

  • Quantum dialogue - incognito ergo sum!

    Quantum dialogue - incognito ergo sum! (c) by Ern Jacoby PhD Not being a good speaker generally results in not to be. Thousands and thousands of men and women worldwide communicate. When you ask them, they reply, yes, we had a good talk. This is understandable: to survive in life, and possibly be successful, a rather complete conviction must exist about the own presence as a human being. Since my early years I found discussions a rather confusing business. A lot of it is speculative, ab… (read more)

  • Risiko, Wahrnehmung & Angst


    Über Corona, Emotionen und den Sex-Appeal von Verbotsparteien

  • WIPocalypse 2020 Check-In - March 30, 2020


    This month's WIPocalypse question is: Have you ever adopted a piece from someone else or gave up a piece to someone else? Which piece and why? And the answer is yes, sort of... ​My husband's former secretary handed me a large carrier bag with a printed needlepoint canvas of a cheetah (and DMC needlepoint yarn) which she had started but decided, for one reason or another, that she couldn't/wouldn't finish. She knew that I did needlework and thought I might like it. She said she really didn… (read more)

  • Merci Sophie

  • Don't Panic

    The situation in the UK at the moment puts me in mind of Dad’s Army. For those that might not know, this was a sitcom about the British militia called the Home Guard during the second world war, and was broadcast from the late 1960’s to the late 1970’s. One character (they were, mostly, all old men) would run around telling everyone not to panic, but in doing so, was panicking himself, whilst another would declare loudly: we’re doomed. I usually shop on a Sunday; the store is quieter, and it’s t… (read more)

  • Recenzió, Róbert Péter „Bátrak és leleményesek voltak…“ címü könyvéhez,

    Recenzió, Róbert Péter „Bátrak és leleményesek voltak…“ címü könyvéhez, melyet 2020. febr. 12-én mutatott be a „keresztény- zsidó társaság“ összejövetelén. Könyvében Dr. Róbert Péter történész, történelmi tények kutatásának eredményeként kimutatja a náci idökben elszenvedett magyar zsidóság sorsát. Több eddig még ismeretlen vagy a feledésbe merült, olyan szervezeteket és személyiségeket mutat be, akik ellenállási mozgalmak ban vettek részt. Kutatásában azokra az eseményekre fordítja a… (read more)

  • Hoàn cảnh ra đời của bài thơ "Nhớ Marie A." của Bertold Brecht

    Một trăm năm trước, ngày 21/2/1920, trên một chuyến tàu hoả đi Berlin, nhà thơ Bertold Brecht đã viết bài thơ sau: "Nhớ Marie A." 1 Vào một ngày tháng Chín trăng thanh Dưới cây mận non, tôi ôm nàng lặng lẽ Người yêu tôi mỏng manh, nhè nhẹ Trong tay tôi tựa giấc mộng dịu dàng Trên đầu chúng tôi, bầu trời hè thăm thẳm Có một đám mây, và lúc tôi nhìn thấy Mây rất trắng và vời vợi trên cao Nhưng khi tôi ngẩng đầu, mây biến mất lúc nào 2 Kể từ ngày ấy, đã có nhiều tháng Chín Đế… (read more)

  • In the city - Na cidade


    I run cause you run but I depart cause you stay full of hopes at the schism stop. We were riding on the social dynamics from the reverse of your right interior to the right of my left exterior and all and everything aferwards. Right now I remember the slow political magnetism theory degenerating into an obelisk of stone monumental of incapability in the city and time when the soul was too small. Right now… (read more)

  • Merci Theodore Ushev

  • Warum ich JETZT 2010 noch die Internationale Sprache Esperanto lerne - [eo] [fr/en/es/it/zh-tw/ja]

    Skulpturo de L.L.Zamenhof en Bolonja sur maro

    Veröffentlicht bei Ipernity 17.8.2010 esperanto Warum ich jetzt noch die Internationale Sprache Esperanto lerne Ich bin jetzt 78 Jahre alt und habe beschlossen Esperanto zu lernen. ( im Januar 2020 werde ich 88 Jahre alt ) - und kann meine Artikel selbst in Esperanto übersetzen -… (read more)

  • Relents putrides d'un passé honni


    © Eric Desjours [FR] Les relents putrides d'un nihilisme égoïste, La résurgence tragique d'un hédonisme suicidaire, Le mépris, l'ironie, l'ivresse, l'indifférence jouissives, La jouissance meutrière, l'insouciance coupable, Ah ! la belle décadence fin de siècle, fin de millénaire, fin de monde, Ah ! le stress neuroleptisé, ethylisé, Le rêve hébété, gobé, pré-digéré, moutonné, manufacturé, Meute analphabète, infantile et brutale, Fourmilière cancérigène, parasitaire et déshumanisée,… (read more)

  • Worüber ich mich freue - pri kio mi ĝojas

    Der Clown - la bajaco

    Worüber ich mich freue Pri kio mi ĝojas In einigen Gedichten gefallen mir einzelne Strofen besonders gut. Meine Gedanken - Gefühle - Erfahrungen spiegeln sich darin wieder. En kelkaj poemoj al mi plaĉas speciale unuopaj ŝtrofoj miaj pensoj - sentoj - spertoj - speguliĝas Zum Sehen geboren, Zum Schauen b… (read more)

  • Devolution, a tongue in cheek modest suggestion

    Yes, evolution is a theory. Yes, there are blank spots, weaknesses, holes in it. However overall it's a useful tool to explain and delimit our surroundings. I still remember spelunking, over 60 years ago, in Florida caves and finding, with delight, blind insects and blind fish. I remember then, at University of Florida, in Gainesville, seeing blind cave fish in a professor's aquarium and learning that, in two or three generations, in a normal, not perpetually dark, environment, they rega… (read more)

  • 2019-10-11 Newsflash

    Multi-Year Subscriptions

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The maintenance of the servers at Amazon Web Service (AWS) last Wednesday did not interfere with ongoing operations. 2) The cleanup of invisible content as well as oversized audio and video files from old Guest Accounts is completed. Approximately 1.25 million files were deleted. As a result, 3.5 Terabytes of S3 memory was released at AWS. The expected annual budget relief is 1,750 EUR . 3) The ima team has decided to pass some of… (read more)