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567 results.

  • Post 9/11 Requiem?

    9/11 Article Image

    All of us who lived that 9/11 day eighteen years ago will never forget. That fateful Tuesday started out full of promise with a cloudless sky and mild temperatures until the first plane, American Airlines Flight 11 hit the North Tower of 1 World Trade Center at 8:46 AM. A second plane, United Airlines Flight 175 hit the South Tower seventeen minutes later. By 10:28 AM both towers had collapsed and New York City was shrouded in darkness with the Statue of Liberty the only beacon of light as it… (read more)

  • Even a Bug's Life Matters

    Buddha and Ladybug

    Insects “may all look alike to human eyes, but each… is unique” with its own distinct face and “personality” that consists of traits like boldness, forcefulness, determination, shyness and even the presence of an ego, [1] despite being an estimated quintillion in number. At the same time, insects are conscious sentient beings that can communicate, think, have subjective experiences, possess a memory, feel pain, display emotions including empathy and engage in both individualistic and group b… (read more)

  • The Convergent Theology of Buddhism and Christianity

    Buddhism  Christianity Article Image

    From a distance Buddhism that emphasizes attaining the “highest good” and Christianity that focuses on salvation through the cross, appear incompatible and distinct especially since one branch of Buddhism is non-Theistic (Godless) in nature. However when the sayings of Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BC), a monk, teacher and philosopher in northeastern India and the founder of Buddhism, a strand of sutras when pieced together form a messianic text and Mahāyāna Buddhism (the dominant branch with 53%… (read more)

  • Oooh I've saved myself lots of money!!!!

    Well maybe I'm being a tad over excited, but for years now I've just kept being with the same insurance company for house and contents. I suppose it was because I was being lazy, in that I kept forgetting to seek out cheaper options. Well this morning I had a couple of letters, one was from another company saying they had taken over my old insurance company (which is a well known and trusted company) and the other one was from my insurance company informing me of next year's cost for the hous… (read more)

  • Download from Ipernity to your own Computer.

    Hallo Freunde und Kollegen, seit geraumer Zeit versuche ich IP dazu zu bewegen uns wieder ein akzeptables download Programm zur Verfügung zu stellen, das es uns gestattet unsere Bilder bei IP Albenweise zurück zu laden auf den eigenen Rechner zur Datensicherung. Die bisher angebotenen Programme existieren bekannter Weise nicht mehr. Das jetzt angebotene Verfahren: habe ich mehrfach versucht an zu wenden - leider ohne Erfolg. Es würde mich daher inter… (read more)

  • Hallelujah

    The brilliant poet, novelist, songwriter and performer Leonard Cohen introduced the world to "Hallelujah" as the opening cut on side two of his 1984 album "Various Positions" featuring Jennifer Warnes. The resulting single reached number fifty-nine on Billboard. In 2004 k.d. (Kathy Dawn) lang included "Hallelujah" in her LP "Hymns Of The 49th Parallel". Leonard's Cohen's partner Anjani Thomas said ""After hearing k.d. lang perform that song at the Canadian Songwriter's Hall of Fame in 2006 w… (read more)

  • The Love Of My Man (The Love Of God)

    In 1958 The Soul Stirrers (lead vocalist Johnnie Taylor, LeRoy Crume, Paul Foster, Bob King and Willie Rogers) recorded "The Love Of God" (LeRoy Crume). The recording session happened shortly after the departure of Sam Cooke. Theola Kilgore's 1963 issue "The Love Of My Man" (Ed Townsend) was obviously adapted from the gospel tune "The Love Of God". It reached number three on the R&B chart and twenty-one on the Top One Hundred. Writer and producer Ed Townsend hit with "For Your Love".

  • István Nemere: History of Hungary Volume 1,2,3 Foreword by Eugen Macko

    István Nemere: History of Hungary Volume 1 Foreword by Eugen Macko Historic objectivity? At universities endeavours are made to pursue authentic historical sciences as far as possible, or rather to attain a certain objectivity. This has been especially important since the natural sciences and technology have complied with exact criteria, consistently exercising a universal effect. However, this requirement, which first arose in the Renaissance and has persisted to the pres… (read more)

  • Nach dem Ende der klassisch idealistischen Geschichte ist dialogische Geschichte notwendig

    Vortrag bei der 93. Deutscher Esperanto Kongress in München 2016 In der Gegenwart ist es notwendig geworden, die dialektische Geschichte dialogisch umzuschreiben. Konkret in der Europa Union, International Europäische Geschichte zu erreichen. In den geschichtlichen Erfahrungen des 20. jahrhundert, zeigte sich das Ende des bisherigen dialektischen Denkens in Gegensätzen. Nach diese denkerische Wende, wartet viel Arbeit auf die Historiker, wenn die Nationen in der Zukunft friedlich m… (read more)

  • Chouard le le plus intègre des penseurs de l'humanisme d'extrème-gauche et de la démocratie

    Un jour il y aura dans nos villes des avenues portant son nom. On comprend que, comme rousseau, comme Karl Marx, il gêne les bourgeois ! les riches, les flics et leurs séides, le grand capital, etc, comme les communards. Va-t-on le fusiller comme les communards ? l'envoyer en ouvelle Calédonie comme Louise Michel ? le condamner à mort par contumace comme De Gaulle ? Les gens du puissant lobby, crif, etc, et leurs soumis apeurés, cherchent depuis de nombreuses années maintenant, par de f… (read more)

  • Philosophische Grundgedanken zur EDE Wahlkampagne 2019

    Entworfen von Eugen Macko , Kandidat für Europaparlament der EDE-Deutschland Wegen mangelnder Unterstützung der Esperantisten konnten wir leider die notwendigen 4 tausend Unterschriften nicht erreichen, um in Deutschland an der Wahlliste zu erscheinen. Es ist uns bis jetzt gelungen eine gewisse Aufmerksamkeit zu erwecken. Diese sollten wir angemessen und schnell nutzen, wobei darauf geachtet werden muss, dass wirklich etwas Neues, aktuell Gebrauchtes hineinkommt. Anders flacht jede… (read more)

  • Erich Schmeckenbecher / Zupfgeigenhansel: Andre die das Land so sehr nicht liebten (2 Versionen des Liedes) + das Orginalgedicht von Theodor Kramer

    Theodor Kramer Andre, die das Land so sehr nicht liebten Andre, die das Land so sehr nicht liebten War'n von Anfang an gewillt zu geh'n Ihnen – manche sind schon fort – ist besser Ich doch müsste mit dem eig'nen Messer Meine Wurzeln aus der Erde dreh'n! Keine Nacht hab' ich seither geschlafen Und es ist mir mehr als weh zumut – Viele Wochen sind seither verstrichen Alle Kraft ist längst aus mir gewichen Und ich fühl', dass ich daran verblut'! Und doch müsst ich mich von hinn… (read more)

  • derniers articles avant que ipernity n'efface mon compte ! profitez-en vite ! - PHARAON

    PHARAON Il y avait à BAILLEUL (Nord), je crois que c'était 1bis, rue du Collège, un vieux monsieur dont le prénom était Pharaon (oui ça existe ! Il y en a même un de célèbre : Pharaon de Winter rien qu'à bailleul et rien que parmi les morts de la guerre 14-18 il y en a 4 ! * BILLIET Pharaon Joseph Alexis Est né le 17 avril 1881 à Bailleul (Nord), fils d’Auguste Désiré François natif de Bailleul, tisserand et de Nathalie Stéphanie Pattou native de Bailleul, journalière. Do… (read more)

  • être complotiste c'est avoir raison « la » théorie du complot ? Bizarre comme expression ! Des théories du complot il y en a des milliers ! Par exemple rien que pour l’attentat de la rue saint Nicaise, il y en a eu deux. Mais par contre il n’y a eu aucune théorie du non-compl… (read more)

  • Notre Dame, The Cross, Hope and Victory

    NotreDame Collage peforuploadfinal

    Note: This composite was created from images purchased from Shutterstock When the flames threatened Notre Dame Cathedral, all decent people were filled with horror and sadness. Evildoers such as members of ISIS, though rejoiced especially when word first came out that it was likely to be a total loss. Yet a miracle occurred – yes miracles are still possible in the 21st century despite an unbelieving, skeptical world – and much of the cathedral’s iconic exterior including its famous tower… (read more)

  • Dr Tove Skutnabb Kangas: Imagining multilingual TESOL revisited: Where are we now?

    Artikolo en la angla (tradukota): TESOL 2019, Atlanta, USA Invited Session Dr. Phil. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas: Imagining multilingual TESOL revisited: Where are we now? At TESOL 2008 I asked: “What can TESOL do in order not to participate in crimes against humanity? What is TESOL doing?” Read my short conclusion from 2008. I could just repeat it, because my reply now, in 2019, is: “In practice, there has been very little change”. What I say will be a shock to many of you. Reflect hard on the message before you shoot the messanger. Remember that this almost 80 years old messenger has researched, and reflected on this for a life-time. Teaching and learning English is part and parcel of formal education that should support children in increasingly many parts of the world to become minimally bilingual, preferably multilingual. If TESOL only supports the English part of this multilingualism, you may and mostly are participating in linguistic and cultural genocide. I am here concerned with ITM children. ITM stands for Indigenous/Tribal, Minority and Minoritized/Marginalized children; this also includes immigrant and refugee minorities. According to UNESCO, 2019, around 40% of the children who attend elementary school in the world (and many don’t) are not taught in a language that they understand. This language that they do NOT understand, if often, but of course not always, English. What does solid research, and educational, linguistic, pedagogical, psychological, sociological and political science argumentation tell us? If ITM children are educated using a dominant language such as English, as the main teaching language, in a submersion or even early-exit transitional programme, this prevents access to education because of the linguistic, pedagogical and psychological barriers it creates. Thus it violates the human right to education. This right is expressed in many international human rights documents, also in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (Art. 29). The Convention has been ratified by ALL other UN member states except Somalia. The USA was the next but last of the world’s states to ratify it. Submersion and early-exit transitional education often curtails the development of the children’s capabilities and perpetuates thus poverty in the world – this conclusion is based on economics Nobel laureate Amartya Sen’s theories on capability development. The theories have been developed further for multilingualism by Ajit Mohanty – we launched his latest fantastic book The Multilingual Reality – Living with Languages in November 2018 in India. VERY relevant for all TESOLers. The assimilationist education that many TESOL members are involved in very often forcibly transfers or attempts to transfer ITM children from their own group to the dominant, English-speaking group, both linguistically and culturally. This education can also cause very serious mental harm: social dislocation, psychological, cognitive, linguistic and, especially, educational harm. Partially through this, it often also causes economic, social and political marginalization. The results can be seen in many countries, and the consequences can last for several generations. Both of these, namely “forcibly transferring children from one group to another group” and “causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group” are two of the five definitions of genocide in the UN Convention of the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Articles 2b and 2e). Educating a child always happens in a holistic social context, and understanding that context is vital for any educational changes. There is no reason to restrict a discussion of genocide to the discipline of law – it has been described and discussed in many scientific disciplines. Here I discuss genocide from a historical, sociological, linguistic, psychological, economic, cultural anthropology and political science point of view, i.e. NOT from a strictly legal point of view. It is extremely important, though, to emphasize that you TESOL English teachers can as individuals be absolutely wonderful, hard-working, creative, and well-meaning in your teaching. You may work incessantly against discrimination and racism. Still, an education that excludes the children’s (or their parents’) mother tongues as languages of instruction can and often does constitute linguistic genocide. This is true even if there may be a few words of the mother tongues on the walls of the classroom, and other “feel-good” attempts to “respect” the mother tongues. You are still discriminating the children. The legal definitions of discrimination, are today changing from so called evil motive discrimination (meaning actions intended to have a harmful effect on minority group members) to ‘effects’ discrimination’ (meaning that actions can have a harmful effect whatever their motivation) (Gynther, 2003: 48). When discrimination and racism (including linguicism[1]) ‘permeate society not only at the individual but also at the institutional level, covertly and overtly … racial control has become so well institutionalized that the individual [for instance a teacher] generally does not have to exercise a choice to operate in a racist [or linguicist] manner. Individuals merely have to conform to the operating norms of the organization, and the institution [for instance a school] will do the discrimination for them’ (Gynther, 2003: 47; emphases added). This means that the way schools are organised to exclude ITM children’s mother tongues as teaching languages can function genocidally. When States persist in implementing these English-only or English-mostly educational policies, in the full knowledge of their devastating effects, the education can thus sociologically, psycologically, linguistically and educationally be termed genocide, according to two of the five definitions in United Nations 1948 Genocide Convention. But this is not all. Article 3 of the Genocide Convention enumerates the five actions which are punishable. According to Article 3e, even “complicity in genocide” is punishable. You can thus be “complicit” if you accept the English-only (or –mostly) education. Article 4 about accountability lists that persons committing genocide (even those who are “only” “complicit”) shall be punished …” whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals”. Thus educational authorities or teachers who are attempting to forcibly transfer children of the group, to another group, by forbidding or preventing them from using their mother tongue or enjoying their culture, and who have NOT tried to change the system so as not to be complicit in genocide, should be punished. What I am saying today is, as usual, 50 years ahead of my time. I can assure you that you TESOLers will most likely not be punished in my lifetime. But you should at least know what the Convention that your country has ratified states. And ACT, much more forcefully than you and TESOL have done so far. I asked ten years ago: What can TESOL do, here and internationally, in order not to participate in these crimes against humanity? My answer was and is: mother-tongue-based multilingual education for ITM children. Through this, ITM education could promote high levels of multilingualism. This would give better results in terms of school achievement, learning of the dominant language, in your case English, and issues around a positive self-confidence and multilingual identity. What about money? It is clear, economists tell us, that not even the initial short-term costs would be more than a few percent higher. In the middle and long term, this mother-tongue-based multilingual education would lead to considerable savings. This would include eliminating much of today’s “illiteracy” of tens of millions of children worldwide, and today’s educational wastage. Today there is a lot of nice talk, even some good intentions and laws. But overall there is far too little implementation and action. You CAN change it! Please do!!! - - - - - [1] Linguicism is defined as ”ideologies, structures and practices which are used to legitimate, effectuate, regulate and reproduce an unequal division of power and resources (both material and immaterial) between groups which are defined on the basis of language” (Skutnabb-Kangas 1988, 13; see also my encyclopedia article 2015, called ”Linguicism”). [TESOL International Association = TESOL: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages ]

  • 2019-03-01 Call for Candidatures

    2790 visits

    Call for Candidatures ./. Appel à Candidatures ./. Aufruf zur Kandidatur

  • Terrifying news!

    Microsoft is planning to include the controversial NewsGuard on its new Edge browser. Where the world is going? I have noticed Google has started to do something similar, and warning users about insecure actions, like writing this on non secured web page (http). And before someone comments anything on that, please remember: Ipernity login and subscriptions use and have always used secured connection (https). So, if someone hacks me while submitting this blog article, that is no problem. I was… (read more)

  • I just love the sound of theorbo!

    Every now and then I check through the YouTube recommendations. Today I discovered Elizabeth Kenny introducing the baroque theorbo.

  • Erinnerungen im Sommer 2018

    Sommerliche Frühlingstage / 30°C

    Erinnerungen im warmen Sommer 2018 ...Eine kleine Reise durch mein Leben... Seit einigen Tagen ist es warm , sehr warm. Die Natur explodiert vor Leben. Vor vier Wochen waren es noch -10°Celsius Ich genieße die Wärme das frische Grün und möcht ein wenig mein… (read more)