Kees' photos


27 Apr 2008 3 563
The church honors the local soldiers fallen in WW II (no comment). What struck me was this: “Please don’t sprinkle the statue with Holy Water. Thank you.”

Weilheim Cemetery

27 Apr 2008 3 446
I have never seen anything like this before: an automate for grave candles and matches. Yes, we live in a “no smoking” society today, and nobody carries a lighter anymore. There’s also a hole to dispose of burnt-out candles.

Clouds over Isar Valley

01 May 2008 1 3 760
A wide-angle shot. The mountains seem to be farther away than they actually are. Photography is all about choices: you can’t have everything ... which makes me sad and angry, but not suicidal –to conclude in a lighter vein! ;-)


26 Apr 2008 1 3 425
Cropped, otherwise no processing at all. You need not believe this, ’cause I wouldn’t.

Behind the bars...

Isar Valley and Alps

27 Apr 2008 2 3 688
The same scenery as always, but I like the detail in this picture (best viewed large).

Isar Valley and Alps

11 Apr 2008 2 3 566
The same scenery as always, but I like the lack of detail in this picture (best viewed as a thumbnail).

Baarn - Guido de Brès school

Munich - Zerwirkgewölbe

11 Mar 2008 3 690
Only today, I saw that the New York Times has an article on Munich online, which might interest prospective visitors of Bavaria’s capital. Surprisingly, at least to me, is that it starts out with the Zerwirkgewölbe. The article also links to a review of the restaurant that, some years ago, replaced the original shop: “This all-vegan, part raw-food establishment sits in a house more than 700 years old where wild game used to be skinned and butchered, just around the corner from the world-famous beer palace the Hofbräuhaus, in the heart of Munich.” Indeed, life isn’t without irony... “GO VEGAN – CELEBRATE LIFE” :

Munich - Variation on a familiar theme

Cora again

23 Mar 2008 1 3 367
Engaged in conversation and venting her unqualified opinions, thus giving the Quiet One (me) the opportunity of focusing and pressing the button.

Cora playing Scarlett Johansson

28 Mar 2008 1 3 494
After our stroll along the beach (and after a hot chocolate and apple pie). We feel much better now, but are also very much aware of a camera pointed at us...

Cora and Robbie

28 Mar 2008 1 3 626
Last Friday, the day before our return to Germany. It was cold, wet, and windy. I wonder why so few people wanted to join us on our walk along the seaside. Here you can see only half of the sand; the rest came out of our shoes back home.

These boots are made for walkin’ and...

30 Mar 2008 3 4 535
...they’re gonna walk all over you. Perhaps there’s some fancy Eastern philosophy behind all this, but I can only relate it to a major work of the American philosopher Lee Hazlewood.

Icking near Holzen

Icking near Holzen


15 Mar 2008 2 3 602
The shadows were looooong...

1093 items in total