Kees' photos

Füssen - St. Mang with Alp Horns and Stretch Limo

12 Jul 2008 5 378
In Germany, almost everyone (regardless of liberal or conservative outlook) is critical about the USA, but when it comes to weddings a secret longing for the American way of life can no longer be hidden.

Füssen - Heilig-Geist-Spitalkirche


03 May 2008 5 578
This scene is from the same cloister as the funny elephant posted previously. The text underneath reads: “O quid faciunt homines mox pulveres futuri” (Hey man, what do you think you’re doing, as you’ll soon be turned into dust), the pessimistic approach to human vanity so popular during a long period of Western civilization, but rarely taken to heart.


03 May 2008 1 436
This lady looks like a figure head, and perhaps she is, but she doesn’t adorn the prow of a ship anymore. In fact, the most remarkable thing about her is the context in which we found her:

Isar Valley

17 Jun 2008 12 114 2065
Tonight, we had a full moon hanging over Isar valley...


03 May 2008 1 4 592
The first book of the apocryphal Maccabees (I Macc.6,43ff.) describes the fight of a certain Eleasar against an elephant of the enemy. He placed himself under the monster, and stabbed it in the chest. It broke down crushing the soldier underneath. The stuff heroes are made of. In Antiquity, elephants were formidable adversaries (Hannibal’s use of them is well-known). The soldiers riding them were protected by towerlike structures built on the animals’ backs, not quite like the one on this painting, however. The elephant, too, doesn’t seem to be quite true to life.


30 Mar 2008 3 578
This is among the saddest shop windows I’ve ever seen.

The Poppy Fields Back Home

01 Jun 2008 3 5 448
Enough to satisfy a big crowd of addicts...

My New Scooter

31 May 2008 3 465
Funny: beginning scooterists ride all kinds of makes, but eventually they all end up with a Vespa. I figured direct import was cheapest, so I bought mine at Bressanone. My wife thinks it’s a waste of money, and right she is.

Heavy Weather

31 May 2008 3 613
Yesterday, there were thunderstorms over Germany, floodings, and hail as big as birds’ eggs. In Icking, however, we only heard some thunder, felt some raindrops, and saw impressive skies.

Behind the House

19 May 2008 2 6 636
My mother-in-law has a small platform behind her house where she can sit and watch the ships passing by. I took her place for a while. At the time I took this picture, I hadn’t fully realized that the sun had already appeared from behind the clouds . I wasn’t as unhappy as I look, just a bit bored (the most valid reason for making selfies).

Behind the Clouds

19 May 2008 2 3 711
When we arrived, the weather in the Netherlands wasn’t quite as fair as we had wished, but then, all of a sudden, I had to think of the wise words of a good friend of mine. She once observed that, behind the clouds, the sun is shining ... always. You know that I’m not much of a philosopher, but this I found to be true.

Another Found Face

18 May 2008 2 451
If you’re conditioned to find faces you encounter them everywhere.

The Tempest

12 May 2008 1 3 702
As seen from my study. There were thunderbolts too, but they were too fast for me.


11 May 2008 1 526
Part of the fun of taking photographs is to prove that you’ve been somewhere. Well, this picture doesn’t exactly prove that I was in Bressanone, but Robbie clearly was. Isn’t it nice to see the Alps from the other, the right side?


03 May 2008 4 502
This man sat at a table next to us. No, I’m not a racist, but IMHO it’s very plain to see that he is Dutch; and no, we haven’t made his acquaintance...


03 May 2008 1 477
Saturday morning, we got in our car and reached our Italian destination a few hours later... Sounds good, doesn’t it? Well, Bressanone/Brixen is utterly bilingual and, in many ways, feels more like Austria than Italy. On the other hand, we’re simple-minded, and can’t help thinking: Italy is Italy, and Italy is good. The B11 road leads past our front door directly to Bressanone: it changes its name a few times, and in and around Innsbruck you’re in serious danger of losing it, but if you keep a cool head you can’t miss it... There’s a big square in front of the cathedral, pretty crowded, people hanging around, children playing etc. (the picture suggests otherwise, but it was cropped for artistic reasons). This girl was riding her bike with such enthusiasm that I had to take a picture of her. She was darn fast, and I had to turn my autofocus off to catch her in full flight.

1093 items in total