PaulOfHorsham's photos

This way

08 Apr 2023 10 9 98
On the path towards Watership Down (yes - it's a real place!)

Leuven University Library staircase

18 Sep 2019 13 9 115
One from the back catalogue for Happy Fence Friday. Visitors can buy a ticket to climb the tower of the University Library. A great view of the town from the top, while the route takes in this exquisite staircase.

i360 from below

01 Dec 2022 2 70
It may be controversial locally but, to me, the i360 observation platform makes for some remarkable photographs. Polariser? You say; absolutely!

Kings Road Railings

01 Dec 2022 9 9 110
Railings, fences - it's much the same isn't it? The big building is The Grand - the fanciest hotel in Brighton. The concrete blob next to it is The Brighton Centre (for events and stuff)


19 Nov 2022 12 12 117
Seen from "The Trundle" (or, apparently, St. Roche's Hill), Goodwood is possibly the most scenic horse-racing circuit in the UK, located high on the Sussex Downs above Chichester. How many fences in this picture?

Starlings on a Fence

19 Aug 2022 12 8 117
Taking a rest from murmuration duties

Two Beers

15 Oct 2022 2 2 73
The light seemed just right, sat in a corner seat at The Belgian Cafe in Eastbourne (though I have been unable to persuade ipernity's map that that's where I actually was!)

Thorney Island Yacht Gate

24 Sep 2022 8 6 101
I encountered this cute gate at the entrance to Thorney Island Sailing Club.

Thorney Island Gate

24 Sep 2022 9 12 106
Jutting out into Chichester Harbour, access to the island is through a pair of gates, one on each side. This is due to the presence of a Royal Artillery base, who took it over from the Royal Air Force; a runway remains, though I don't think it sees any regular use. You have to be buzzed through both gates onto and off if you are taking the circular walk around the island.

Ashcombe Windmill

17 Sep 2022 15 13 96
Situated on the South Downs just outside the village of Kingston Near Lewes (to give it its full name), the mill was built in 1828, but destroyed in a storm in 1916. Reconstruction started in 2009, and a working mill was in operation in 2016.

Taking in the view

17 Sep 2022 3 2 87
Several groups were walking Juggs Road towards Lewes, so I took a quick photo of this couple looking out over the Ouse Valley towards Beddingham Hill and Firle Beacon.

Murmuration in Colour

19 Aug 2022 4 4 67
A whole bunch of starlings is called a "murmuration". A well-known one occurs over Brighton Pier (vaguely visible in the distance) at dusk. I didn't expect anything similar in the afternoon on the Downs. It's quite a rush to hear several hundred birds swooping just a few metres overhead.

Murmuration in Monochrome

19 Aug 2022 58
A commotion on the path ahead had me stopping and waiting. I wasn't expecting a spectacular display from starlings

A dry summer

19 Aug 2022 16 16 202
World Photography Day 19th August 2022 ================================ Just like much of Europe, the UK has had a very dry summer, particularly in the South of England. I had hoped to get a photo which emphasised this drought but, not only has there been some rain this week, it also rained on this very day (as you can probably tell from the dark clouds).

Arundel Park Dry Valley

06 Aug 2022 3 67
A recent walk around Arundel and the castle park led me across this dry valley. Dry valleys are a feature of the South Downs, due to the underlying chalk. These valleys were formed during the ice age but, subsequently, the water dissipated through the porous chalk, leaving the dry valley behind.

Hiorne Tower

06 Aug 2022 17 13 111
High on a ridge in the park of Arundel Castle is this "folly". Built by Francis Hiorne in 1787 as part of a bid for the rebuilding work at the Castle. He failed to get the work and died a couple of years later.

Arundel Castle from Maltravers Street

06 Aug 2022 3 52
The castle towers over the town, best seen from the Arun Valley, but this view is from scenic Maltravers Street.

1042 photos in total