PaulOfHorsham's photos

School Cottage

25 May 2024 8 5 35
Encountered on a walk south from Maiden Castle (which is just outside Dorchester)

Sheep Scratchings


27 Jan 2024 3 3 29
Spotted on a garage door in Sidlesham, West Sussex. Sound advice.

Knill's Monument

06 Sep 2023 16 13 91
On top of a hill outside St. Ives in Cornwall (Carbis Bay, to be geographically precise) is this granite monument built in 1767. It was intended to be a mausoleum for it's creator John Knill, but since he was buried in Holborn, London, it has always remained empty. Among his many minor claims to fame is that he was mayor of the town between 1762 & 1782.

Small boat passing

06 Sep 2023 14 9 82
A warm week in South-West England, though rather hazy as well. This is the view from St Ives Head looking east towards the beaches on the other side of the bay.

St Helier Steam Clock

20 Jul 2023 10 5 58
Steam-powered clock when built in 1997, but subsequently restored and converted to electric power. Not a great view of the actual clock-face - this one had a better sky than the other photos on the day.

Towednack Church Gates

06 Sep 2023 10 5 53
Directly copied and pasted from Towednack church is dedicated to St Winwaloe, a 6th-century hermit across the Channel in Brittany. The nave and chancel are 13th century and were built on the site of a Celtic hermitage (that is, the church was not intended to serve a village, which might account for how few houses there are close to the church!). The start of a walk in far western Cornwall. The view is towards the curiously spelled Beagletodn Downs

Chalk Path

28 Aug 2023 14 10 71
Along the South Downs Way from Upper Beeding to Devil's Dyke. The South Downs are, as you can clearly see, a range of chalk hills.

Paragliding over the Downs

28 Aug 2023 6 3 62
Took a walk along the South Downs Way on Bank Holiday Monday. The conditions at Devil's Dyke were ideal for the paragliders, who had congregated in large numbers.

Up the steps - St Catherine's Breakwater

19 Jul 2023 16 12 79
The breakwater is 700 metres long. You can walk the length of it at two levels - here's the steps at the end

The view from Mad Mary's Café

18 Jul 2023 14 11 78
Half-way point on a walk on Jersey's north-east coast. I stopped for lunch at Mad Mary's café, with a fine view of Bouley Bay

Jersey Footpath Junction

17 Jul 2023 7 8 58
Footpath signposts in Jersey are predominantly fairly simple and traditional such as this one on the north coast. It's hard to make out but "FOOTPATH" is carved into the arms

Tamworth family

20 May 2023 6 4 110
Tamworth pigs were introduced as part of the rewilding. Wild boar were not permitted, so these were selected as a reasonable substitute.

Emerging from the trees

20 May 2023 4 2 42
Another trip to Knepp and I was lucky enough to come across this family of Tamworth pigs emerging from the trees across the path

This way

08 Apr 2023 10 9 75
On the path towards Watership Down (yes - it's a real place!)

Leuven University Library staircase

18 Sep 2019 13 9 92
One from the back catalogue for Happy Fence Friday. Visitors can buy a ticket to climb the tower of the University Library. A great view of the town from the top, while the route takes in this exquisite staircase.

i360 from below

01 Dec 2022 2 51
It may be controversial locally but, to me, the i360 observation platform makes for some remarkable photographs. Polariser? You say; absolutely!

1038 items in total