PaulOfHorsham's photos

Holmbury Hill

04 Aug 2022 1 2 48
From the view point on Holmbury Hill, you can easily see the ridge of the South Downs. This forms part of The Hurtwood - a privately owned area of common land.

Holmbury Cricket Club

04 Aug 2022 51
Deep in the Surry Hills, I didn't expect to encounter a cricket ground, but this is the home of Holmbury CC, which they quite reasonably describe as "possibly the most picturesque ground in the South of England". The effect of the drought conditions is clear to see on the outfield.

Petworth House

23 Jul 2022 2 1 53
Recently went for a wander across Petworth Park . The 700 acre Deer Park was designed by "Capability" Brown. The House is clearly enormous; it was originally built in the 17th Century and has been substantially altered at least twice since then. Much of Southern England has seen very little rain for months, and the effect of this drought is plain to see in the parched grass.

Wild Teasel

07 Jul 2022 10 11 111
Spotted an interesting looking flower, so took a few photos. Turns out to be wild Teasel (thanks Google Lens, which is so helpful in these situations)

Stork overhead

Escaped calf

07 Jul 2022 6 7 92
A revisit to Knepp, and a wander around the "Middle Block", without a guide this time. I encountered this calf which had managed to get out of its field

Stork flying past

28 Jun 2022 5 3 85
Plenty of in-flight action when I visited

Speckled Wood

28 Jun 2022 82
Knepp also hosts many species of butterflies and moths. I used the Butterfly Conservation website to identify them (possibly not correctly)

Marbled White

Large Skipper

28 Jun 2022 1 66
It's quite likely I've not identified this brown butterfly correctly (there's a lot of brown ones to choose from)

Knepp Wilderness

28 Jun 2022 1 62
I went on a walking "safari" around the Southern Block, which has mostly become scrubland such as this. The animals (deer, cattle, pigs and ponies) roam freely through here.

Feeding the young

28 Jun 2022 1 2 62
There are plenty of nests, though not all are occupied.

Dead tree

28 Jun 2022 1 72
A bright sunny afternoon. New tress are emerging in various parts, while others die off. The ground is slowly recovering from the various pesticides and insecticides used when the land was farmed

Stork on the ground

28 Jun 2022 68
We watched this one for several minutes before it flew off

Stork nest

28 Jun 2022 2 1 62
The main attraction on the estate is storks which were reintroduced and are now breeding

Stork in flight

28 Jun 2022 57
Storks are pretty big birds!

Stork wings outstretched

28 Jun 2022 3 2 63
I managed to catch a stork flying directly overhead

Richmond Hill Viewpoint

19 May 2022 8 10 77
The famous view over Terrace Gardens down to the Thames

1042 items in total