Ned's photos

Rule's Landing

09 Jun 2024 46
1 Sep 2023 - 9 June 2024 original on left, inverted colors on right

Foothill Park

08 Jun 2024 1 51
30 December 2023 - 8 June 2024

Shorttail Gulch

03 Jun 2024 54
28 Sep 2023 - 3 June 2024 Kodak type F "polycontrast" single weight RC paper, expired 1977. It curls like mad but makes interesting solargraphs if I can figure out how to keep it from rolling up! Neat reflections in this one are from its glossy surface.

Dragon's Tooth Beach

04 Jun 2024 49
26 December 2023 - 4 June 2024 Modern RC VC paper.

Wright's Beach Solargraph

31 May 2024 2 4 66
Original paper on left, inverted colors on right. 24 December 2023 to 31 May 2024.

Queen Yellowjacket

29 Apr 2024 42
Extreme macro pinhole Paper negative, f/1400, exposure was 6-1/2 hours :) WPPD 2024


29 Apr 2024 45
WPPD 2024 instant film pinhole I kinda like this one, even though I didn't choose it for my WPPD entry this year. On Sonoma State University campus.

Solstice to solstice 2023

22 Dec 2023 1 55
Summer to Winter Solstice 21 June - 21 December, 2023 8x10 photopaper. The equinox is the straight line in the middle. Lines above it were the sun passing across the sky in the summer and lines below it were the sun passing across the sky in the fall. The lowest line was made yesterday ( December 21st )

Grandfather's Silent Key

01 Oct 2023 65
The key my grandfather used to send Morse code as a radio officer on ships. Photograph taken with a 50 year old Micro-NIKKOR 55 AI-s that was my fathers. Yesterday was World Cyanotype Day and the theme was "inheritance", so I took this photograph and made a cyanotype print.

Another Oak at Spring Lake

30 Apr 2023 1 104
WPPD 2023, instant film. I don't know why, but I kind of like this one :)

Oak at Spring Lake

01 May 2023 86
WPPD 2023, instant film.

Path by Santa Rosa Creek

30 Apr 2023 78
WPPD 2023, instant film.

On the way to WPPD again

01 May 2023 75
WPPD 2023, instant film.

Stop by side of road

30 Apr 2023 77
WPPD 2023, instant film.

On the way to WPPD

30 Apr 2023 73
WPPD 2023, instant film.

Dragon Tooth Beach

09 Apr 2023 1 2 84
21 June 2022 to 26 March 2023

Equinox Solargraph

25 Dec 2022 66
"Equinox" solargraphy 21 June 2022 to 22 December 2022. Color positive paper.

Carlevaro solargraph

25 Dec 2022 48
21 June 2022 to 4 December 2022

420 items in total