Pap of Coe at Sunset

Lochs and Lochans

Folder: Scotland
Scottish Lochs and Lochans

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22 Jun 2010

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176 visits

Loch Shieldaig

Another image from 2010, a few oldies until I have the computer fully reloaded, hopefully tomorrow,

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19 Jun 2019

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257 visits

The Home of Nessie.

A troubled sky and a view from the south shore of Loch Ness and it is from this very beach that Nessie has been filmed in the past few years, This is on the opposite side and slightly west of Urquhart castle a hot-spot where many of the1136 sightings have been, indeed from 2021 10 sightings have been reported on the Loch Ness webcam Folk stare for hours and often think they may have seen what they possibly have not, I would ask you to view this large and look carefully but please remember the date of posting;-)))

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22 Sep 2019

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203 visits

Loch Feochan!

Having to work from the recent archives at the moment ! An image of the loch from Knipoch, large if you have the time! HFF and a good weekend
39 items in total