Giancarlo Ticozzi's photos

A beautiful (and harmless) 'little beast' - Wasp s…

30 Jul 2024 6 4 17
Wasp spider (Argiope bruennichi) is a species of spider, so named because of its yellow and black abdomen colouration similar to that of wasps. It is also commonly called tiger spider.

A beautiful (and harmless) 'little beast' - Wasp s…

30 Jul 2024 2 11
Wasp spider (Argiope bruennichi) is a species of spider, so named because of its yellow and black abdomen colouration similar to that of wasps. It is also commonly called tiger spider.

Towers of the Asinelli and Garisenda. Bologna (Ita…

Postua (Vercelli) il ponte sul torrente Strona - P…

05 Dec 2021 4 32
Il ponte come si presenta oggi, sul rifacimento di quello originario del 1408, e a lungo fu l’unico punto di attraversamento sul torrenten Strona. The bridge as it stands today, on the rebuilding of the original one from 1408, and for a long time was the only crossing point over the Strona stream.

Ponte Sisto e la Cupola di San Pietro - Sisto Brid…

La cincia bigia alpestre (Poecile montanus) prende…

29 May 2024 25
29 May 2024 1 27
29 May 2024 22

2090 items in total