autofantasia's photos

1968 Sunbeam Rapier - WGC 265F

15 Jun 2013 3 4 874
The Sunbeam Rapier was produced by the Rootes Group from 1955 to 1976. This is a fastback coupé version from 1968, which like the earlier Series models was a two-door pillar-less hardtop. Interestingly, it was only first registered in the UK in 1982.

1960 BMW Isetta 300 - 59 BUY

15 Jun 2013 5 9 813
The Isetta is an Italian-designed microcar built under license in a number of different countries and which, because of its egg shape and bubble-like windows became known as a bubble car - a name later given to other similar vehicles. In Germany, BMW made the Isetta its own. They redesigned not only the powerplant but also re-engineered much of the car, so much so that none of the parts between a BMW Isetta Moto Coupe and an Iso Isetta are interchangeable. Source:

Classics In The Sun

15 Jun 2013 7 9 1449
It takes all kinds to make a great show!

Jaguar XK 140 - Details Unknown

15 Jun 2013 2 3 854
Even the badges on these old Jaguars were a work or art!

Drones Over Camp Daggerfield ...

27 Dec 2014 2 2 431
The second instalment in my Drones series. This time without any literary accompaniment I'm afraid! Press z on the keyboard to view large on black for best effect. Original shot SOOC in the Notes for anyone who is interested. As ever, comments and faves are welcomed, but please don't post awards, graphics or group links in comments as these will be deleted. Thanks!

Happy Christmas ...

10 Dec 2014 6 18 542
Yet another 'nearly ran' for the recent Sunday Challenge in which we were asked to all work with the same photograph. Thought I'd post this today to wish everyone on ipernity a Happy Christmas. So best wishes to you all especially those who have been kind enough over this last year to: visit my photostream; sign my guestbook; add me onto their contacts; leave comments on my photos; and/or add my images into their favorites. All much appreciated and I wish you all the very best for the coming New Year too ... may 2015 be a good one for you and those close to you! Being an avid Shakin' Stevens fan I was going to post a link to "Merry Christmas Everyone" to provide some festive music to accompany my 'card'. However, here in the UK at least that one gets played everywhere you go, so here's one of his lesser known Christmas songs: The Best Christmas Of Them All . Note: The original image was entitled simply Snowman Christmas and was created by UNKWinc over on Deviant Art .

Ian Croucher ...

24 Dec 2014 2 10 1410
Those who have been following my photostream for a while will know I have an old Mk2 Scirocco and have been helped out on many an occasion as have others with a similar interest, by a lovely guy called Ian Croucher - ianaudia4 on the forums. Well I'm sorry to say I've just learned in the last few days that Ian has passed away and so I've produced this triptych in honour of a great man who will be sadly missed. When I first joined the Scirocco Register Ian was one of the first people to welcome me on board and I was lucky enough to spend time with him at a few shows, not to mention the North-East mini-meets he used to organise whenever he was around. He was without doubt one of the friendliest and most helpful guys I've met in my time on the Register. Back then I was still trying to restore my first Scirocco and Ian was always willing to offer advice and/or a willing pair of hands. I can still remember when he came down to my workshop along with Tony and Stu, also from the Scirocco Register, to take out the engine ... something I'd never have been able to do on my own. However, Ian wasn't just a nice guy and willing pair of hands, he was also a walking encyclopaedia of all things Scirocco and great at helping you strike a bargain at shows for any much needed parts. He was simply a great, great man and my condolences go out to his partner Chamila, his family and to all those that had the pleasure of calling him a friend.

Blue Christmas ...

20 Dec 2014 9 12 859
A similar shot to the one I submitted for the recent Sunday Challenge , which had the theme of Christmas . This one processed to reflect the 'other side' of Christmas. With 1 in 4 people in the UK expected tp experience a mental health problem each year and loneliness on the increase (especially in the over Seventies) it would seem that not everyone will have the type of Christmas they might have wished for. Not so much merry or even white, but rather more lonely and blue. My thoughts then go out to those people for whom this Christmas may not be the happiest. Hopefully, 2015 will see them experience better times.

Santa's Christmas Jumper ...

20 Dec 2014 15 27 902
This little fellow is the latest addition to our collection of Christmas decorations and ornaments ... or expensive, outsourced, dust collecting toot as I heard someone call such items recently! Taken for The Sunday Challenge theme of show us your Christmas .

Time To Play ...

05 Dec 2014 11 8 812
An alternative version of Three, Four, Six ... , which was itself a 'nearly ran' for the recent Sunday Challenge when the theme was numbers . No real difference other than I had some fun with bubbles.

Something Wicked - Pt. II ...

06 Dec 2014 9 8 1113
An alternative version of Something Wicked , which was my entry for the recent Sunday Challenge when the theme was numbers . This time with a bit of selective colouring on the clock face. I think this still works, but I preferred the completely mono version I ended up using. The original image is in the Notes (top left corner).

Not My Little Pony ...

28 Jul 2013 4 4 1299
Another nearly ran for the recent Sunday Challenge when the theme was numbers .

1924 Frazer Nash - PD 3616

06 Dec 2014 9 6 1174
Frazer Nash was a British sports car manufacturer and engineering company founded by Archibald Frazer-Nash in 1922. It produced sports cars incorporating a unique multi-chain transmission before the Second World War and also imported BMW cars to the UK. After the war it continued producing sports cars with conventional transmission until 1957. It also continued selling BMW cars and motorcycles and finally in 1956 became the official importer of Porsche cars. Source: This was a possible entry for The Sunday Challenge a few weeks back when the theme was numbers . And no, despite it having my initials on the registration plate it isn't mine! Press z to view large for best effect.

Ready Steady Go ...

15 Oct 2014 4 3 951
This is one of several shots I took around The Northern Echo Arena, which is home of Darlington Mowden Park RFC and situated on the outskirts of the town. It was intended, but not actually used for a Sunday Challenge earlier this year, which had the theme of grey and considered twice since, but again not used for TSC when the themes were metallic and numbers . It's actually just one of the roller shutters that are located around the outside of the stadium taken up close at an acute angle to try and give it more interest.

Your Numbers Up ...

29 Oct 2014 10 6 961
Yet another unused shot from earlier this year, which was taken for The Sunday Challenge when the theme was metallic . It was never used, but nearly had an outing when the theme was numbers , but lost out again - that time to the shot I took of the clock face at All Saints Parish Church in Northallerton.

A Few Too Many ...

29 Oct 2014 9 4 755
Another unused shot from earlier this year, which was taken for The Sunday Challenge when the theme was metallic . I came across this pile of barrels stacked up in a corner behind the High Street in Northallerton and liked not only the colours, but the shadows and brickwork too.

People At Car Shows

15 Jun 2013 5 2 1016
Pretty young girl driving a gorgeous old Austin ... what's not to like!

People At Car Shows

15 Jun 2013 1 6 525
Nothing like a car show to get two men talking!

2098 items in total