Jeff Nicholson's photos

Jefferson 15

Jefferson 14

22 Aug 2022 34
I had been waiting out two weeks of t-storm (and flash flood warning) forecasts to finally make this trek here. This was the first sunny forecast for 82 in the valley and 60s up on the mountain, but it felt like 82 by 9 a.m. this day.

Jefferson 13

Jefferson 12

22 Aug 2022 26
I could not see any evidence of the South Peak trail, just a rock jumble, and a massive wall of elevation. I was not in my game this day, and just discounted doing South Peak outright after seeing the environment first hand.

Jefferson 11

22 Aug 2022 30
I thought this marker was for the high spring on the map (which is long dry in summer). Didn't notice until on the way back, arrows were drawn for South Peak and Middle Peak trails, barely legible in sun faded Sharpie.

Jefferson 10

22 Aug 2022 26
Up over 10,500 ft. and it is already getting hot. It was supposed to be cooler up here but desert forecasts can flip, and this one did.

Jefferson 08

22 Aug 2022 32
Up and up through the last of the riparian zone.

Jefferson 07

22 Aug 2022 36
Up the next day, starting the walk at 7:20 am.

Jefferson 06

Jefferson 05

21 Aug 2022 27
A rare flat spot to pitch my tent.

Jefferson 04

21 Aug 2022 26
North past Belmont, NV to the Pine Creek trailhead. I retraced the route I day hiked last year up to the 9,200 ft level, this time with a backpack to save the second hump for the next day.

Jefferson 03

20 Aug 2022 25
Peak of Mt. Montgomery in the distance.

Jefferson 02

Jefferson 01

20 Aug 2022 22
Car camped near Benton Hot Springs, CA to get some elevation acclimation.

Jefferson 42

Jefferson 41

23 Aug 2022 30
Once again picked a camp spot on a high pass, this time towards Bridgeport, to cool off.

Jefferson 40

Jefferson 39

7162 items in total