safe house

Detroit City


05 Feb 2012 8 1 425
it's show and tell day, class. let's start with jimmy. would you explain your work to everyone, jimmy? yeah, miz eloise. it's a, you know, a painting. it's quite a statement, jimmy. almost like stained glass. yeah, but the church wasn't too happy about me painting their windows. I can't imagine why. good thing this place was close by. very fortunate. for sure.

rust belt

05 Apr 2014 17 4 916
sir knight, your new set of armor is quite original. whose handiwork is it, if I may ask? thank you, m'lady. twas forged for me by yonder blacksmith. it has a unique look about it. not shiny or oiled at all. in fact, it's rather scaly and flaking off. yes, m'lady. it predicts the coming industrial revolution, and ultimate decline of same. putting western economies at a competitive disadvantage with the rising east. you speak in riddles, knight. I will cheer for you anyway. but are you sure you can make it to your horse? I could use a forklift, couldn't I? a what? I mean squire! now where has that miscreant gone off to?

like a dog

30 Jul 2011 7 4 295
where you going? it's time. I gotta go. whaddya mean? it's almost midnight! yeah. they're waiting. who? my wolfen broth. . . forget it, you don't wanna know. you coming back? depends. if you hear dogs howling tonight, just go back to sleep. howling at what? the moon. I mean, how should I know? aren't you going to wear shoes? shoes? nah. not necessary.

where the sidewalk ends

05 Feb 2006 9 7 574
hey mack, got a light? sure bud. this street ain't too busy, is it? not this time of day, it's not. how about later? not so much then either, actually. kinda thought that.

Dr. West's Medicine Show and Junk Band

12 Sep 2009 4 540
give me your hand and I will read your future. ok. hmmm. you will meet a tall, dark stranger. yeah? I also see an ocean voyage. sure. and beware of danger from unexpected places. of course. excuse me, but you seem to doubt what I'm saying. how can you tell? it's like you're reading from a script. this? pay it no mind. it's yesterday's horse race results. how'd you do? let's just say this business is getting tougher all the time.

active sweeper

07 Mar 2010 7 1 625
what's the score? we're way behind. gotta pick it up a notch. no problem. leave it to me. are you sure you can you handle it? with my eyes closed. better take a big broom. it's a total mess in there. hey, I wasn't voted janitor of the month for nothing, you know. you are a total professional. definitely.

open city

17 Feb 2010 5 1 603
are we safe here? I think so. was it difficult crossing the frontier? I had to follow old shepherds' trails in the mountains. the border guards use dogs. those fascists are monsters. I hope to link up with the underground resistance. there is much to do. by the way, why is that guy taking our picture? oh, he's probably just a tourist. couldn't he be a government agent? him? no way. don't give it a second thought. ok, if you're sure. positive.

dave's not here

10 Jul 2015 15 6 908
who's there? it's dave. who? dave, man. open up. dave? yeah, man. dave. dave's not here. no man, I'm dave. c'mon, open the door. dave? yeah! it's dave. who? dave, man! dave? dave's not here. listen to me. I'm dave, man. dave's not here, man, no I'm dave! dave? dave's not here.

the inner circle

12 May 2012 10 2 610
lord, are you busy? what is it, archangel? just doing some housecleaning. our house needs cleaning? well, yes, lord, in fact it does. a bit. but I built it to be perfect forever. yes, lord, and it is, but a little maintenance can't hurt. well, if that suits you, fine by me. you didn't happen to see the paint anywhere, did you lord? the what? the cans of paint. it needs a touch-up. a touch-up? with paint? have you lost it? I built this house with gold and precious stones. no paint. yes, well, I didn't want to totally blow the budget. no, I suppose not. there was that unfortunate expenditure on arcturus. yes, don't remind me. it's not your fault, lord. the moon was too big. created quite a mess when it fell out of orbit though. these things happen, lord. tell that to the arcturans who managed to survive. well, they still have the other 5 other moons to venerate. true. no paint, archangel. forget about it. I understand, lord. so, how do you feel about. . . wallpaper?

Gates of Eden

03 Oct 2009 8 9 876
want to go for a walk, edna? is it safe, stanley? yes, and it's a beautiful evening in paradise. ok, but don't forget to lock up. it's ok, we'll leave that to the warden.

working class hero

29 Jul 2015 5 1 506
hey diego, what's up. oh nothing. edsel ford, henry's kid, wants me to paint some museum walls for him in the D. yeah? what does he want you to paint? I dunno. but it's gonna be all about creating stuff from the fruits of the earth, and industry in detroit, and the workers who make everything. sounds cool. you think he'll go for it, coming from a commie like you? I dunno. but my wife frida, she likes the idea. she gonna be there too? yeah. she'll be painting her own stuff. gee, I hope she makes it one day, like you did. I don't expect it, but that would be nice. kind of a bonus, like. yeah, kinda.

past is prologue

07 Oct 2008 1 225
look at 'em, like ants. whattya mean, boss? they got no clue what's about to happen. you mean. . . yeah, the biggest bank job in the history of this town. that's cool boss. this time next week, I'll be living on easy street. me too? you might be a block or so over. yeah? maybe more than a block.

zombie apocalypse

23 Jul 2011 5 3 480
stanley, I'm going to have jeeves prepare the great hall for the dinner party that's fine, edna. it's funny though. I noticed something last time I stopped in there. oh? what was that? it was probably nothing. just a feeling, like someone was, I don't know, lurking in the shadows. how strange. do you think we should be concerned? oh no. jeeves can handle it. by the way, where is he? when last I saw him, he was heading to the kitchen. probably grabbing a bite with the staff. ok. I noticed that he had a funny limp. must have pulled a muscle. yes, I'm sure.

learning curve

03 Apr 2015 5 396
how's it going with the bathroom addition, floyd? great, lou. but it turned out to be a little more complicated than I planned. oh? how can a bathroom be complicated? well, the wife wanted a little more space, maybe a few extra windows, higher ceiling, you know, stuff like that. yeah? sounds good. yeah. I just wish I could use it. whaddya mean? I mean they're having religious services there. it's full of people all the time. your own bathroom? but I get to give the benediction. which is great as long as I can hold it in. a blessing, for sure. yeah. I won't make the same mistake on the next one. good idea.


09 Oct 2011 9 1 507
hey, eddie, you busy? not really. what's happening, bert? I could use some help cleaning up my place. your place needs cleaning? I think so, but then, I'm a neat freak. yeah, I'm sure you are.


18 Sep 2015 3 437
edna, I'm going to the store. do you need anything? no thank you, stanley. but when you get back, would you please cut the legs down on the bed in the master suite? what? why? remember, stanley? the pope is coming to stay for a few days? the pope? like THE pope? yes, and that bed is too high for him to climb into. we have to cut the legs down for him. are you serious? stanley. is the pope catholic? well. . . yeah. just do it, stanley. I guess he's kinda short, eh? you could say that

home sweet home

09 Oct 2011 3 1 363
I'm going to advertise for another roommate. to live here? you nuts? I don't even know why we're here. it would help having someone else to split the rent with. rent? we don't pay rent. isn't that the only reason we're here? yeah, but the company sucks. well, that's true.

natural science

05 Feb 2012 3 3 391
lord, a moment? good evening, archangel. what can I do for you? a thought struck me lord. the earth, as you know, is bountiful. that's how you made it. but it's resources cannot go on forever, can they? I made it bountiful, yes. and then left it to humans to do with it as they wished. I can't say it's so bountiful anymore. so lord, where will that lead? for the denizens of earth, I mean? it will lead wherever the human race decides to go. I may think that they are soiling their own bed, but it is, inevitably, their bed. and when the bounty runs out? I hope they figure out how not to get to that point. but if they do, they'll probably have a few regrets hope I didn't spoil your mood, lord. me? no way. I'm catching up on old seinfeld shows. can't get enough of it. you watch american tv, lord? newman. I love that guy. total genius.

574 items in total