xenophora's photos

ATC "Yellow Wife"

27 Feb 2011 140
Collage, decollage, and colored pencil on board. Originally posted 10/26/06.

ATC "Cherry" (ex)

27 Feb 2011 135
This redo of the previous card uses a trio of Photoshop filters called "Artistic: Underpainting," set with the "Brick" option. A few other tools, as well. I was aiming for the look of those exterior wall-sized ads that dot the downtown landscape around here. Or at least they did at one time. I rarely get downtown these days. Originally posted 10/25/06.

ATC "Cherry"

27 Feb 2011 1 128
Collage and colored pencil on board. Originally posted 10/25/06.

ATC "Bakehouse 2" (ex)

27 Feb 2011 134
The same card, worked with a pair of filters. The attempt at a raised effect here and there is from "Stylize: Emboss" again. The background "pencil" look comes from "Texture: Grain- Horizontal." The Blur, Smudge, and Clone Stamp tools are also involved. This was only the second card I ever did. (The first was never posted, but it's similar to this one, but with a vertical composition.) I like the 3D effect of the filters a lot here, especially around the "windows."

ATC "Bakehouse 2"

27 Feb 2011 128
Collage and decollage on board. Originally posted 10/24/06.

ATC "Olivehead" (ex)

27 Feb 2011 115
The same card as before, run through a pair of "Distortion: Glass" filters, then worked with a few other tools. This was a very early card, and the first one I thought was really successful. "Glass" has numerous variations, and these are different than those used back on 10/5/06.

ATC "Olivehead"

27 Feb 2011 150
Collage, decollage, and colored pencil on board. Originally posted 10/23/06.

ATC "Yellow Bird 2" (ex)

27 Feb 2011 118
Same card, using the filter "Artistic: Accented Edges," and some more of the Clone Stamp.

ATC "Yellow Bird 2"

27 Feb 2011 1 120
Collage, decollage, and colored pencil on board, originally posted 10/22/06.

ATC "Bubblehead 2" (ex)

27 Feb 2011 115
Same card as previous, run through the "Distort: Ripple" option, and worked with the Clone stamp, etc.

ATC "Bubblehead 2"

27 Feb 2011 106
Collage and colored pencil on board. Originally posted 10/21/06.

ATC "Bubblehead" (ex)

27 Feb 2011 104
Same card, run through an amalgam of "Artistic: Rough Pastels" filters. Then the bars on either side got worked with the Clone Stamp and Smudge tools. This style of card didn't have a name until somebody --I forget who-- started calling them "Bubbleheads."

ATC "Bubblehead"

27 Feb 2011 134
Collage and colored pencil on board. Originally posted on 10/20/06

ATC "Sink Drink" (ex)

27 Feb 2011 137
Same card, with two filters at work. One is "Sketch: Halftone Dot" (Dark blue and off-white pattern). The other is "Stylize: Emboss."

ATC "Sink Drink"

27 Feb 2011 119
Collage on board. Originally posted on 10/19/06.

ATC "Man-Size" (ex)

27 Feb 2011 124
Same card as previous, run through an amalgam of "Texture: Stained Glass" filters. Plus a few minor adjustments with the "Clone Stamp" tool.

ATC "Man-Size"

27 Feb 2011 150
Collage, decollage, and colored pencil on board. Originally posted on 10/18/06.

ATC "Ice Cream" (ex)

27 Feb 2011 129
Same card. This one got a buffet of effects. Paint Bucket to make the pink background flatten and recede some, and "Artistic: Ink Outlines" to make the dress stand out more. Those are the main ones. This was an early card and not any great shakes, so I felt comfortable messing around with it a lot. Originally posted 10/17/06.

807 items in total