Coco's photos


23 Jun 2019 12 12 274
Bamboo Table. Bought it about four years ago and it has weathered well. I like to see what the elements will do to things. lol. We bought the bear in in Maine about ten years ago. Unfortunately, over the years he has lost his eyeballs and has cracked in several places. Obviously, green wood when it was carved. Love him anyway with all of his foibles. lol.

Amusement Park - Double Exposure

Fishing flies - negative space

Espesso inside of a cup.

Listen to the Rhythm of the Falling Rain

10 Mar 2019 10 10 96


24 Feb 2019 7 7 203
Sort of stuck in house today with weather so only thing I could think of with speed. Wanted to capture both the flow of the water and it hitting the bowl. Being that there are no shadows in the water out of faucet, very slow shutter speed would completely blur the bubbles and have no effect on the spout water. So I settled on in between shutter speed and higher ISO. Actually like this in black and white. Black and white with cool tones.


09 Feb 2019 12 11 206
I love little tea lights or I call them fairy lights and have them all over the place. Put them in this crystal bowl so they twinkle at night but the one downside is that you can see the copper wires during the day. No matter. I still love them.


27 Jan 2019 14 13 178
Not the greatest photo but wanted to share the difference in the colors of the incandescent and the studio lighting which simulates the sun's light. Yellow for incandescent and the white for the sun.




abstract on black

christmas cookies-card-small

New Year's Eve Snack Shelves

30 Dec 2018 7 9 135
Plenty of junk food to choose from when the clock strikes midnight tomorrow lol.

A fish story


815 items in total