Coco's photos

spring-painting copy



26 Jul 2009 51
Beautiful mare


Lily pad in the rain

02 Aug 2009 64
Water Lily Water lilies at Mount Holyoke College and Botanical Gardens, Bronx, New York

Bruce Park

egret in tree 327-painting

winterphotos 025-painting copy

adultnightheron copy


Fly Fishing Still Life

30 May 2019 13 11 101
I didn't take that many photos in 2019. This is one of my favorites, however. Happy 2020!!!

Keychain...a gift

29 Dec 2019 5 8 105
My late significant other was always giving me big and small gifts. He gave me a bunch of keychains. One is this little fishing reel which turns. Another was a little camera that flashed. Will always treasure them. Another was a little frog that croaked.


01 Dec 2019 7 8 98
I had cataract surgery in both eyes...awesome awesome awesome...which corrected my far away vision to 20/20. Closeup about a 1.25 computer and books 2.50. Opted for the faraway. Anyway, I had to wear glasses all of the time before the surgery. Now, as many, have to take them on and off for reading. So I have tons of glasses which I am always misplacing. LOL LOL LOL. CHAOTIC.

Different Perspective - Petals Falling

24 Nov 2019 9 9 91
Used a macro lens. Camera held high on tripod.


27 Mar 1993 5 9 117
This is the best I could do with distorted as am in a hotel in New Hampshire and have no access to my real Photoshop. Note the object in right hand corner is a drinking glass of water. Ps don’t know why it says taken in 1993. I took it yesterday. Working from an iPad.


19 Oct 2019 9 11 131
Mom's costume jewelry and some buttons. She was an amazing woman with a wonderfully bright personality.



815 items in total