Coco's photos

Serenity at Gettysburg

Fence at Gettysburg TSC Fences

24 May 2010 13 17 430
If you haven't already been to Gettysburg and you want to feel history and experience beauty and peace, go. You will end up being emotional, I can assure you. Close up of fence in note. The History of Stack Rail Fencing in Virginia "The post-and-rail fences stretching across the fields lying between us and the enemy's position, I regard as the fatal obstacle to our complete success on the left, and success there would, doubtless, would have changed the fate of the day. Of the existence of this obstacle none of my division had any previous knowledge, and we learned it at the expense of many valuable lives." General John Walker, Army of Northern Virginia Also called Stack Rail, Zig Zag, Appalachian Rail, and Worm Fencing, Virginia Snake Rail Fencing has decorated Virginia and American farmland for centuries. Especially in the rocky Appalachian and Blue Ridge Mountain region, this style of fence was very popular for centuries. Back then, posts could not be pressure treated as they are done today in order to preserve them. To avoid planting posts in rocky ground that would rot quickly, many homesteaders installed stack rail fencing or some configuration similar to it. Although it took considerably more wood than a split rail fence, it was easy to install. Rails that rot out are easily replaced, the fence was strengthened by it's zig-zag configuration. The state of Virginia was primarily a "fence out" state, meaning that landowners were responsible for fencing out neighbors animals, rather than the other way around. Many livestock owners had communal grazing areas. Stack Rail fencing dotted the landscapes of Virginia back then, and still do today. There is nothing as beautiful as driving down the Blue Ridge Parkway and Appalachian Mountains to look at this style of fence criss-crossing the quiet, rolling farmland.

Newspaper Headline TSC

17 May 2015 4 13 419
I was really uncomfortable downloading newspaper templates from sources that I did not know so made up my own. Don't know how realistic it is but it is a shot anyway. Wendy, am not sure it is in the rules to be able to give this another shot for this week but here it is in a more newspaper - like format. I tried to email you but couldn't for some reason.

(Happy) Newspaper Headline TSC

816 items in total