Rabbitroundtheworld's photos

A very belated hello and apology

07 Jun 2019 24 6 463
Dear ipernity friends, I received a lovely message from Xata asking if Rabbit and I were ok, as we have not been on ipernity for many months. I'm sorry if anyone has missed us or been worried. In May I went off on a long long trip in my motorhome, for nearly four months. I had very limited wifi access while I was away, and decided that I couldn't keep up with ipernity. However, I'm back now, and am intending to upload pictures from the trip. It was a wonderful, potentially life changing experience. Here is a wee taster - Rabbit on the west coast of the Isle of Harris. With lots of love to all our friends on ipernity xxx

I'm still here!

23 Mar 2019 11 15 435
Apologies for our long absence! Everything is ok, we have just been busy. In less than three weeks time, Rabbit and his photographer are going for a very long trip in the motorhome - three and a half months around the west and north coasts of Scotland and the islands. We look forward to keeping in touch with our ipernity friends whenever we are able to.

Happy Rabbit and Fox Fence Friday!

22 Feb 2019 22 16 707
We love this fence at the RSPB nature reserve at Loch Leven. And through one of the decorative holes cut in the fence, we spotted three little egrets. HFF and have a good weekend to all - sorry we've not been around much lately.

double trouble

19 Jan 2019 21 17 622
Rabbit poses in front of the calendar which hangs on our kitchen wall. Amazingly, January shows a picture of Rabbit in his red jumper!

Full moon on the Liffey

20 Jan 2019 26 11 698
A flying visit to Dublin. Only had the baby camera with me, but I was thrilled to see the full moon rising, prior to her eclipse several hours later, over the Liffey. I only noticed the reflections of the people on the Ha'penny bridge later.

Scurdie Ness lighthouse, near Montrose

29 Dec 2018 31 23 658
One of the many Stevenson lighthouses (this one was built by David and Thomas), opened in 1870. The elegant tower is 39 metres high. It was a beautifully calm day, and very mild for the end of December. I liked how the little clouds were suggestive of waves. A sort of fence around the top, so HFF! PS. I love the little ochre-coloured horizontal band and the matching ochre lintels - unnecessary but very pleasing.

St Cyrus

28 Dec 2018 14 7 526
The little village of St Cyrus perches above a huge beach, now a nature reserve. Traditional salmon fishing using nets was carried out on the beach for many years, and there are several old stone built ice houses which were used for keeping the salmon chilled before transporting them to market. A slightly precarious path takes you along the edge of the cliffs for a mile or so before dropping down to shore level, where the path continues to Johnshaven, Gourdon, Invervbervie and beyond. It's a beautiful walk, especially on a glorious sunny day towards the end of the year.

Merry Christmas 2018

08 Dec 2018 15 9 571
Wishing all my ipernity friends a very merry Christmas and festive season. Thank you for your wonderful photos and kind comments throughout the year. With love from Rabbit xxx

Winter Solstice 2018 (things can only get better..…

21 Dec 2018 11 7 428
It was a grey, damp day today, the winter solstice, but the sun did manage to come out for a few fleeting minutes on our walk from Charlestown to Limekilns. Happy Solstice to all our ipernity friends. From now on the days get longer and brighter. Let's hope they get better, too. love from Rabbit and his Chief of Staff xxx

Hole in the wall

18 Nov 2018 32 19 498
A Happy hole-in-the-wall Fence Friday to all! Taken during a gloriously sunny long walk from Cockenzie to Gullane, mostly on the shore. Days like this are a particular treat in November.

Suspended in time

17 Nov 2018 34 27 688
November sun setting behind the Queensferry Crossing, the new bridge over the Forth. The criss-crossed lines are the cables of this elegant cable-stayed suspension bridge, and the block on the right hand side is a lorry crossing the bridge. The perspex fence has gaps in it so that when you're driving over the bridge, you see glimpses of the water below and of the other two bridges over the Forth - the 50-year old Forth Road Bridge (which this new bridge has replaced), and the original Forth Bridge, which carries the railway. HFF!

Travelling slowly into the light (and a picture fo…

17 Nov 2018 26 12 839
Tanker making its slow way down the Forth and into the north sea, on a chilly but sunny November afternoon. The bridge is the new Queensferry Crossing. I took the photo from the Forth Road Bridge - the original road crossing over the Forth which was replaced last year by the Queensferry Crossing as the main vehicle crossing. The original Forth Road Bridge is still open to pedestrians, cyclists, buses and taxis. It's a lot quieter to walk over now, a real pleasure. This is also a picture for Pam www.ipernity.com/home/pamj - on her slow, steady voyage of recovery into the light. Pictures for Pam group: www.ipernity.com/group/2420454/doc

Roll of Honour - Scottish Parliament

11 Nov 2018 6 7 521
The names of the 134,712 men and women listed in the Scottish National War Memorial Roll of Honour are currently (Sunday 11th November) being projected onto the wall of the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, with each name appearing on the wall for about 10 seconds. The projection includes names of Scottish servicemen, munitions factory workers, Merchant Navy personnel, and overseas servicemen who fought on behalf of Scotland during the war. The screening began at 5pm and will finish at midnight. It is currently being shown live on www.scottishparliament.tv I was particularly struck by moments such as this, when virtually the entire wall is filled with a single name - in this case John Anderson, such a common name in Scotland. Each of these John Andersons was an individual, from a village or from a city, from the mainland or from an island, with family and friends and a story of his own.

Cable Street

08 Nov 2018 13 11 346
In October 1936, people in the east end of London prevented a march by fascists, in the 'Battle of Cable Street'. Trade unionists, Irish dockers and labourers, communists, Labour Party members and people from the Jewish community joined together to oppose a march organised by the British Union of Fascists led by Sir Oswald Mosley. Their 'blackshirt' uniforms were similar to those worn by fascists in Italy and Germany. The route of the planned march was seen as deliberate provocation, through an area with a large number of Jewish people. The government refused to ban it, and so around 250,000 people took to the streets to prevent it, under the slogan No Pasaran - They Shall Not Pass. The march was turned back, and political history was made. Here's to solidarity - still needed in the world today. HFF.


28 Oct 2018 17 14 464
Look at those muscley arms!

Culross fence and flowers

15 Sep 2018 16 9 445
Fence, flowers, Rabbit.... HFF and have a great weekend, everyone. What a relief to have ipernity working again - thank you to the maintenance team!


06 Oct 2018 15 9 419
Another from Dundee - the Discovery Centre in the background, the masts of the RRS Discovery. and reflections in the 'moat' around the new V&A design museum. HFF!

The new V&A and RSS Discovery on Dundee waterfront

06 Oct 2018 34 21 729
The brand new V&A design museum just a few weeks after its official opening, looking splendid in the autumn sunshine. Next to the gallery is the RSS Discovery, the ship which took Scott and Shackleton to Antarctica. The shadows on the side of the museum are the masts of the Discovery and the dome of the Discovery centre. www.vam.ac.uk/dundee www.rrsdiscovery.com and a fence - HFF all!

100 photos in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.