Trompe l'oeil in Agde


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28 Oct 2009

113 visits

Posters 1940

08 Sep 2009

121 visits

Bug house

Seen in a garden in Somerset - offering shelter to many different varieties of insect.

15 May 2009

115 visits

Cezanne's studio

This is in Aix-en-Provence - you can see the objects he used in his still-life studies and paintings, and if you get there before the bus-loads of guided tours, you get the chance to absorb some of the atmosphere...

14 May 2009

127 visits

Oh no! I've forgotten my trunks!

14 Jan 2009

74 visits

weaving stall

Lovely colours and textures on the stall of a local weaver

03 Jan 2009

108 visits

Xmas angel

A decoration made by my daughter against the sky.

28 Dec 2008

123 visits


There was a lovely light falling across her arm, making her look almost alive.

28 Dec 2008

108 visits

marble hands

I loved the spiderweb.....

05 Mar 2009

108 visits

snowy carving

89 items in total