Trompe l'oeil in Agde


30 Apr 2012

102 visits

Through to the beach

From the distance it looks like a huge Alfred Wallis...,but strangely alive.

30 Apr 2012

117 visits

View from the Jerwood

The van parked opposite has clearly been deliberately parked. On its side is a poster advertising the campaign against building the Jerwood on the Stade.

30 Apr 2012

86 visits

Art takes second place

Sometimes the view is more interesting than the art ....

30 Apr 2012

120 visits

Multiple portrait

In the new Jerwood Gallery :the restaurant seen from the staircase - like a huge canvas.

30 Apr 2012

102 visits

Net huts from the Jerwood

The new Jerwood Gallery on the Stade at Hastings is an elegant and exciting space. There are floor-to-ceiling windows giving extraordinary 'pictures' of the beach, the boats and the net huts.

13 Jul 2012

198 visits

workshop bench

A wonderful confusion of tools, textures, and random objects surrounding a delicate piece of finished silverware.

13 Jul 2012

73 visits

finished products

17 Jul 2012

153 visits

Landance on Eggardon

17 Jul 2012

109 visits

Landance finale

89 items in total