Trompe l'oeil in Agde


03 Oct 2010

119 visits

Inside the Pompidou

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04 Jul 2009

119 visits

Cathedral d' Images-#1

An extraordinary exhibition held in former bauxite mines in Provence. The hollow caves and pillars are used to project images, constantly changing and overlapping each other. You can walk around and through the images, seeing new ones as you walk around. Music is played to accompany and enrich the experience. This year the artist chosen is Picasso - well worth a visit if you're near Les Baux.

03 Oct 2010

121 visits

Pompidou under the roof

03 Oct 2010

107 visits

Pompidou interior with shadows

03 Oct 2010

105 visits

Pompidou roof

03 Oct 2010

113 visits

Pompidou roof support

02 Oct 2010

89 visits

Darwin's message?

Seen by a dog bin in Switzerland...

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14 Jul 2010

112 visits


Window panelling at Lanhydrock - these separate pieces have been joined - the angular lines changing suddenly to fluid curves. Through it all the grain of the wood can be clearly seen.

27 Feb 2010

160 visits

Look up as you go upstairs

Painting on the ceiling above the main staircase in the restored Midland Hotel in Morecambe, painted by Eric Gill.
89 items in total