Trompe l'oeil in Agde


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16 May 2010

91 visits

Strange goings-on at the Tate

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16 May 2010

70 visits

Dancers at the Tate

Bit like Dr Who??

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03 Oct 2010

119 visits

Pompidou in Metz

05 Oct 2010

154 visits

lunettes lunacy

05 Oct 2010

113 visits

gloomy in glasses

07 Oct 2010

99 visits

Is this weird enough for you?

Tiny bird corpses wearing woolly knitted clothes........seen in the Pompidou Centre in Metz

14 Oct 2010

127 visits

coming and going

14 Oct 2010

117 visits


Entrance to the glass gallery.

14 Oct 2010

132 visits

poor donkey

"Headthinker III " by Laura Ford in the V & A
89 items in total