Spotted Tussock Moth Caterpillar

Insects of Alberta 1

10 Jun 2005

88 visits

Ground Beetle

This is an enlarged photo of one of the many Ground Beetles that risk their lives crossing the walking/bicycle path on the way down into Weaselhead.

17 Sep 2005

98 visits

Tangle of hairs

This insect was on Blue Clematis seed heads. These fine "hairs" shine so beautifully when the sun shines.

04 Aug 2004

86 visits


Amazing eyes when seen at a somewhat larger size. Look like cool sunglasses!

13 Sep 2005

103 visits

Yellow Jacket

Needed a bright photo after all my recent dark, gloomy, winter ones, so thought this was about as bright as I could go! A Yellow Jacket on a Lily.

04 Sep 2005

111 visits

Matching colours

A few years ago, I would never have dreamt of having my face a few inches from a wasp. Now, with a digital camera, how things have changed!

18 Jul 2005

92 visits

At rest

These butterflies were almost impossible to photograph. After a lot of exercise, I finally saw one that had perched for a second or two. It was identified for me as a Dark Northern Checkerspot.

31 Aug 2004

103 visits

Black beauty

Not sure if this is a Black Meadowhawk.

09 Jul 2005

66 visits

Hover Fly

Thought the black and white striped body of this insect was most attractive.

08 Sep 2005

88 visits

Woolly bear

Back to an old photo or two. This is a similar photo to one I posted some time ago. He's such a punk!
300 items in total