Spotted Tussock Moth Caterpillar

Insects of Alberta 1

22 Aug 2009

220 visits

Size matters

LOL, a more accurate view of this small Anglewing butterfly, of it sitting on friend David's finger! For some reason, butterflies seem to like being on his hands : ) Seen on 22nd August in West Bragg Creek Provincial Park. Not sure if it's a Green Comma.

10 Sep 2009

178 visits

Brilliant camouflage

I noticed this moth at rest on a tree yesterday, during a full-day, botanizing walk in Bragg Creek Natural Area. Actually, we had spotted a small butterfly flitting across the path and so I followed. However, I forgot about the butterfly as soon as I noticed this well-camouflaged moth. I think it may be some kind of Sphinx Moth? Thanks so much to Lynette S. for the ID, Geometroidea, Geometrid Moth, Geometridae!

23 Jul 2009

131 visits

A Pyraloid Moth

This very small moth landed for a moment on a plant at Nodwell Sanctuary, during a full-day botanizing outing, late July. Thanks for the ID, Doug! It was the first time I had seen, and photographed, one of these.
300 items in total