Spotted Tussock Moth Caterpillar

Insects of Alberta 1

25 Jun 2005

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123 visits

Rose curculios

31 Aug 2004

83 visits

Darner Dragonfly

09 Jul 2005

144 visits

Northern Pearl Crescent male

30 Jul 2006

117 visits

Damselfly on Bulrush

25 Jun 2005

72 visits

Painted Lady butterfly

I don't think I have seen a single Painted Lady this summer, compared to the masses that arrived last summer. This works in cycles.

25 Jun 2005

121 visits

Convergent Ladybug

This is the only Convergent Ladybug I have ever seen.

30 Jul 2006

136 visits

Orb Weaver Spider

Found this spider down near the border between Canada and the US, during a trip to Waterton Lakes in southern Alberta.

06 Aug 2005

93 visits

Horse Fly

Not a very good photo but I couldn't get over the eyes on this Horse Fly. Talk about designer sunglasses!

21 Sep 2006

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1 comment

104 visits

Dragonflies mating

I think these are perhaps Black Meadowhawk dragonflies, seen in Weaselhead. That's quite a head-hold!
300 items in total