Spotted Tussock Moth Caterpillar

Insects of Alberta 1

22 Jan 2007

102 visits


This Darner dragonfly was out at Frank Lake a couple of years ago. I posted another photo of it a while ago, taken looking at it head on, but this close-up shows the intricate details of the back. They really are spectacular, aren' t they, when seen close?

02 Aug 2005

125 visits

Ladybug on Goosefoot

Needed a few reminders of spring this morning, thanks to a fall of snow overnight! It was quite a blizzard, with visibility very low, in the very early hours of this morning.

04 Jul 2005

87 visits

White on blue

Not sure if this is Slender Blue Beardtongue or Smooth Blue Beardtongue. Not sure of the butterfly, either, but I think it is a Gossamer-wing, a Blue.

14 Aug 2005

81 visits


I think "everyone" has a similar dragonfly photo to this one! Doesn't take away from the beauty, though.

13 Sep 2005

85 visits

Painted Lady

Not a very good photo of the butterfly, but I just liked the way it was sitting on a spruce (?) branch instead of the more usual flower.

20 Jun 2005

94 visits

Summer (not winter) Blues

We get lots of these very tiny Blues in summer. I don't know enough about butterflies to make a more detailed identification.

18 Jul 2005

107 visits


This is the black (nitra) form of the Old World Swallowtail butterfly, seen at Brown Lowery Park, Alberta, mid-July. Similar to a photo posted a while ago.

09 Jul 2006

92 visits

Little red bug

Saw a number of these tiny red beetles on some Alfalfa plants on 9th July 2006. I think I did find a possible ID but can't have written it down anywhere, so I am still none the wiser!

25 Jun 2005

60 visits

Lady in waiting

I didn't see many of these butterflies last summer, but we had swarms of them the year before. If I remember correctly, this cycle happens about every 10 years.
300 items in total