" Chatedral in the desert"


Fields in springtime.

01 May 2015 137 60 1621
happy happy weekend! Annemarie:)

Lightness of being.

11 May 2015 138 72 1973
Wish you a beautiful serene week ahead.

Spring Symphony

02 May 2015 120 62 1610
..........Wish you a bright day and weekend:) Love AM

May Flower.

04 May 2015 133 75 1361
Wish you a sunny bright May week. Love

The head.

14 Feb 2015 103 46 1391
Wish you all a beautiful loooooooong weekend:) ****************************************** Igor Mitoraj (March 26, 1944 – October 6, 2014) was a Polish artist born in Oederan, Germany.[1] Mitoraj's sculptural style is rooted in the classical tradition with its focus on the well modelled torso. However, Mitoraj introduced a post-modern twist with ostentatiously truncated limbs, emphasising the damage sustained by most genuine classical sculptures. Exposed in Santa Maria degli Angeli e Martiri, Rome

Museo Nazionale Romano.

15 Feb 2015 101 49 1250
Wish you a most beautiful weekend:) ***************************************** The National Roman Museum (in Italian: Museo Nazionale Romano) is a museum, with several branches in separate buildings throughout the city of Rome, Italy. Founded in 1889 and inaugurated in 1890, the museum's first aim was to collect and exhibit archaeologic materials unearthed during the excavations after the union of Rome to the Italian Kingdom. In 1901 the State granted the National Roman Museum the recently acquired Collection Ludovisi as well as the important national collection of Ancient Sculpture. Findings during the urban renewal of the late 19th century added to the collections. The reconversion of the environments of the ancient Bath-houses/Charterhouse into an exhibition space began on the occasion of the International Exhibition of Art of 1911; this effort was completed in the 1930s.

The small Cloister

15 Feb 2015 100 47 1322
A most beautiful weekend for you:) ****************************************** Subsequently to the act of donation of Pope Clement VIII in 1595, construction began of a new convent which was built according to the canonical scheme of the Order: a large cloister, a small cloister and the small dwellings (houses) for the monks. The small cloister was obtained to the right of the chancel from the new church, in the place of the ancient natatio; the cells, however, were arranged on the western side, far from the exterior wall and along the perimeter of the cloister.

Michelangelo's Cloister.

15 Feb 2015 129 67 1492
More of Rome; wish you a brilliant week ahead:) **************************************** This Cloister is commonly known as Michelangelo's Cloister, due to the widespread idea that the artist built it along with the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and Martyrs; indeed, it is more likely that he made ​​the preparatory drawings but only participated in the initial stages of the construction, as his death occurred in 1564. With its 10,000 square metres and its wings of 100 metres, each rhythmically punctuated by 100 monolithic columns, the Cloister of Michelangelo is one of the largest in Italy; along the wings, originally conceived as covered walkways of the Charterhouse, are on display, as part of the permanent collection, sculptures, sarcophagi, altars as well as bases of statues of the Imperial age.

Giardino all'italiana.

15 Feb 2015 109 47 1981
WISH YOU A PEACEFUL WEEKEND:) ****************************************** In 1561, Pope Pius IV granted the remains of the Bath-houses of Diocletian to the Carthusian monks, appointing them as conservators of the ruins. Subsequently to the act of donation of Pope Clement VIII in 1595, construction began of a new convent which was built according to the canonical scheme of the Order: a large cloister, a small cloister and the small dwellings (houses) for the monks. The large cloister, known as Michelangelo's, was inserted between the the central body of the Baths and the northern side of its enclosure.

#21 Window with a view.

15 Feb 2015 135 57 2200
Back to Rome, wish you a most happy rest of the week ahead. ***************************************** Original seat of the Museo Nazionale Romano (National Roman Museum) since its institution in 1889, the Baths of Diocletian are the most imposing thermal complex ever built in Rome. Erected between 298 and 306 CE, they spanned more than 13 hectares and could accommodate up to 3000 people at the same time, within a structure consisting of a series of environments such as gymnasia, libraries, a swimming pool of more than 3500 square metres and those rooms that were the heart of every thermal complex: the frigidarium (cold bath), the tepidarium (lukewarm bath) and the calidarium (hot bath). It was precisely these latter spacious rooms the ones converted by Michelangelo into the Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels and the Christian Martyrs: in the other environments arose the Carthusian Monastery, conceived by the artist himself.

Ringing bells.

30 Jun 2011 111 55 1641
WISH YOU ALL A SERENE EASTER. HALLELUJAH. **************************************** Hallelujah is a transliteration of the Hebrew word הַלְּלוּיָהּ, which is composed of two elements: הַלְּלוּ (second-person imperative masculine plural form of the Hebrew verb hallal: an exhortation to "praise" addressed to several people[1]) and יָהּ (the names of God Jah or Yah). (Wiki)

A Spring Song for you.

16 Feb 2009 133 61 2296
ღ ஐ .-~*'¨ ¯¨'*·~-.¸ ღ ஐ .-~*'¨ HAPPY Equinox my friends ALL:) [will be away some days, working abroad.]

"Le Baton Serpent".

25 Jan 2015 131 65 1611
Huang Yong Ping, Exhibit, MAXXI .Wish you a most happy week ahead:D

I LoVe HaTs.

25 Jan 2015 101 44 1346
Wish you a beautiful weekend. [fashion exhibit at the MAXXI] Bellissima. L’Italia dell’alta moda 1945-1968

Sunday morning in Rome.

02 Mar 2015 106 45 2418
HAPPY WEEK. ********************** The MAXXI, Italian: Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, or National Museum of the 21st Century Arts, is a national museum of contemporary art and architecture in the Flaminio quartiere of Rome, Italy. It was designed as a multidisciplinary space by Zaha Hadid and committed to experimentation and innovation in the arts and architecture.


28 Jan 2007 127 45 1363
.......a discussion, an exchange of opinions, intended to produce an agreement........................ ********************************************* Wish you all a wonderful weekend . HUGS.

Sempervirens in the snow.

10 Feb 2012 107 46 1579
10-Week Picture Projects: TREES, Wk 8 (Feb 23-March 01): Evergreen Tree(s) ******************************************************************************************************** PINE TREES under the snow:) In botany, an evergreen is a plant that has leaves throughout the year, always green. This contrasts with deciduous plants, which completely lose their foliage during the winter or dry season. There are many different kinds of evergreen plants, both trees and shrubs. Evergreens include: most species of conifers (e.g., hemlock, blue spruce, red cedar, and white/scots/jack pine), but not all (e.g., larch)live oak, holly, and "ancient" gymnosperms such as cycads most angiosperms from frost-free climates, such as eucalypts and rainforest treesclubmosses and relatives The Latin binomial term sempervirens (literally, "always green") refers to the evergreen nature of the plant.

Still winter.

23 Feb 2015 124 63 2094
Fresh snow on the Alps. Have a wonderful new week ahead! HUGS

265 items in total