" Chatedral in the desert"


White Spring dream.

02 Mar 2014 100 40 2042
Come, see the true flowers of this painted world [M. Batsho]

"Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con…

21 Mar 2014 149 62 4966
Wish you a marvellous spring ( or autumn:O) **************************************** Juegas todos los días con la luz del universo. Sutil visitadora, llegas en la flor y en el agua. Eres más que esta blanca cabecita que aprieto como un racimo entre mis manos cada día. A nadie te pareces desde que yo te amo. Déjame tenderte entre guirnaldas amarillas. Quién escribe tu nombre con letras de humo entre las estrellas del sur? Ah déjame recordarte cómo eras entonces, cuando aún no existías. Mis palabras llovieron sobre ti acariciándote. Amé desde hace tiempo tu cuerpo de nácar soleado. Hasta te creo dueña del universo. Te traeré de las montañas flores alegres, copihues, avellanas oscuras, y cestas silvestres de besos. Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos. -Pablo Neruda-

Morning Prayer.

20 Mar 2014 122 55 1586
Good morning and a happy new week:O)

The hidden smile.

19 Mar 2014 149 50 2293
Wish you all a beautiful rest of the week.

African beauty

16 Mar 2014 116 48 1682
Wish you all a wonderful week ahead!

Protect me.

10 Mar 2014 148 55 2973
Want to show you some portraits........... Happy new week ahead!

My first driving licence.

05 Jan 2013 118 61 2156
Happy weekend..............and a special HUG to my WOMAN friends:) ********************************************* Women's rights are the rights and entitlements claimed for women and girls of many societies worldwide. In some places, these rights are institutionalized or supported by law, local custom, and behavior, whereas in others they may be ignored or suppressed. They differ from broader notions of human rights through claims of an inherent historical and traditional bias against the exercise of rights by women and girls in favour of men and boys.[1] Issues commonly associated with notions of women's rights include, though are not limited to, the right: to bodily integrity and autonomy; to vote (suffrage); to hold public office; to work; to fair wages or equal pay; to own property; to education; to serve in the military or be conscripted; to enter into legal contracts; and to have marital or parental rights.[2]

Im Cafè

20 Feb 2014 138 62 3202
wishing you all a serene soon coming weekend! xoxox Love

Love, the ineluctable.

14 Feb 2014 137 46 3195
MAY EVERY DAY BE VALENTINE's DAY:) ♥♥♥ Now Love, the ineluctable, with bitter sweetness Fills me, overwhelms me, and shakes my being. - Sapho (Quoted by Hephaestion)

As the night falls.

02 Feb 2014 150 53 3048
Wish you all a wonderful coming weekend.....LoVe

The Tiber today.

02 Feb 2014 132 46 2796
The result of many rainy days. Wish you a wonderful week ahead. ***************************************************** The Tiber Island (Italian: Isola Tiberina) is one of the two islands in the Tiber river, which runs through Rome; the island is boat-shaped, approximately 270 m long and 67 m wide, and has been connected with bridges to both sides of the river since antiquity. Being a seat of the ancient temple of Asclepius and later a hospital, the island is associated with medicine and healing The island has been linked to the rest of Rome by two bridges since antiquity, and was once called Insula Inter-Duos-Pontes which means "the island between the two bridges". The Ponte Fabricio, the only original bridge in Rome, connects the island from the northeast to the Field of Mars in the rione Sant'Angelo (left bank). The Ponte Cestio, of which only some original parts survived, connects the island to Trastevere on the south (right bank).


03 Jan 2014 139 46 2267
For the graduation of my daughter E. from the university, tomorrow..........she will be an engineer. Love you..............Go!

The Top Cross.

03 Jan 2014 121 39 2164
Wish you all my friends a peaceful weekend ( will be back to you monday) ******************************************* This kind of crosses you can find in all the german speeking alpine zone, on hill or mountain tops and on open fields. ******************************************************* Die Wetterkreuze sind auffallende Landmarken. Da sie meist mitten im Felde stehen, sind viele der Kreuze den Flurbereinigungen zum Opfer gefallen. Neben den zahlreichen Wetterkreuzen im landwirtschaftlichen Raum – die teils auch Gedenkkreuze an Errettung vor solchen Gefahren, aber auch dadurch Verstorbene sind – finden sich Wetterkreuze auch auf Berggipfeln im deutschsprachigen Alpenraum verbreiteten Gipfelkreuze, sowie Pass- oder Gratkreuze.

Tracks of Life.

20 Jan 2014 127 43 1781
Wish you a wonderful new week.

A Winterbouquet for you.

15 Jan 2014 149 56 2825
Wish you a beautiful rest of the week.

The lonely tree.

13 Jan 2014 122 43 2407
Happy blue monday and a beautiful week ahead. AM:=)

New disclosed horizons.

05 Jan 2014 147 51 3364
Dear Iper-friends, back to you, in 2014. Thanks to ALL for your kind comments faves, messages and wishes for this new year. Me too, I wish you also again all the best! Love and peace Annemarie

Winter solstice.

15 Dec 2013 148 47 2761
Wish you a beautiful rest of the week. ************************************* The winter solstice is the time at which the sun appears at noon at its lowest altitude above the horizon.[2] Lets be confident: longer days will come:)

265 items in total