" Chatedral in the desert"


A foggy day.

15 Dec 2013 132 43 2826
Wish you a peaceful Sunday.

Dressed in red.

"Draw me a sheep"

02 Dec 2013 134 41 2698
The first night, then, I went to sleep on the sand, a thousand miles from any human habitation. I was more isolated than a shipwrecked sailor on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Thus you can imagine my surprise, at sunrise, when I was awakened by an odd little voice. It said: - If you please...draw me a sheep ! - What ! - Draw me a sheep... *********************************** Le Petit Prince est une œuvre de langue française, la plus connue d'Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Publié en 1943 à New York simultanément en anglais et en français.

Still green....

17 Nov 2013 132 46 2986
........the countryside in Umbria. .........wish you all a most beautiful day, and a beautiful weekend:)

Colorful leaves, falling soon.

09 Nov 2013 107 35 2400
TREE PROJECT: Week 7 (February 16-22): Tree Parts: Autumn Leaves ***************************************************************************** Rays of sun. Colorful leaves falling, soon. Wish you a most beautiful WEEK ahead.

St.Anna church

09 Nov 2013 122 44 2351
Wish you a most beautiful week ahead.

Happy Friday

30 Oct 2013 107 38 2052
.............larches, conifera that looses the leafes in autumn. HFF

Mountain slopes in fall.

30 Oct 2013 119 36 2066
happy wednesday.

The Dolomites as background.

30 Oct 2013 143 43 3100
Wish you a beautiful rest of the week. ***************************************** The Haflinger, also known as the Avelignese, is a breed of horse developed in Austria and northern Italy during the late 19th century. Haflinger horses are relatively small, are always chestnut in color, have distinctive gaits described as energetic but smooth, and are well-muscled yet elegant. The breed traces its ancestry to the Middle Ages, and there are several theories for the breed's origin.

Lac de lumière.

24 Oct 2013 107 27 2290
Wishing you all a great coming weekend and sunny days. ******************************************* Le soleil, à travers leurs ombres, brille encor ; Tantôt fait, à l'égal des larges dômes d'or, Luire le toit d'une chaumière ; Ou dispute aux brouillards les vagues horizons ; Ou découpe, en tombant sur les sombres gazons, Comme de grands lacs de lumière. Victor Hugo Thanks Sigma:)

La vendange.

16 Oct 2013 118 32 2516
Grape harvesting in Umbria.

The somber mood of the sea.

23 May 2013 134 36 2071
Wish you a a beautiful peaceful week. ***************************** A bad person is someone who causes harm to others, intentionally. ***************************** Things that make people bad are negative qualities like hatred and jealousy, envy and greediness, and also emotions like frustration/anger.

Ploughing season.

07 Oct 2013 115 26 1847
Umbria. *********************************** happy new week all, and thanks for all your comments and faves on my previous one.

Beyond the sunset.

27 Sep 2013 144 40 2982
wishing you ALL a magic weekend! Thanks:O)

Autumnal landscape.

25 Sep 2013 106 29 1868
Umbria. From our country-house.

Reflected light.

23 Sep 2013 131 36 3001
Happy shiny week ahead. *************************** Also for George......... www.ipernity.com/home/georges-pignet and Patrick www.ipernity.com/home/242570 they love reflections.

I never see what has been done...........

21 Sep 2013 127 25 2718
Happy weekend ***************** I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done. Buddha

Singing windmill.

02 Sep 2013 107 26 1891
Wish you a HBM and week ahead!

265 items in total