" Chatedral in the desert"


Three of a kind.

24 Jul 2013 102 32 1694
Still bright summer here. happy new week...........will be AWAY some days.......... ( orton treatment)


27 Jul 2013 110 29 2491
............wish you all a joyfull weekend :D

Helios meets Gea.

23 Jun 2013 135 38 3198
Greek Elegaic Mimnermus, Frag 12 For Helios the Sun’s lot is toil every day and there is never any respite for him and his horses, from the moment rose-fingered Eos (the Dawn) leaves Okeanos and goes up into the sky. A lovely bed, hollow, forged by the hands of Hephaistos, of precious gold and winged, carries him, as he sleeps soundly, over the waves on the water’s surface from the place of the Hesperides [in the West] to the land of the Aithiopes [in the East], where his swift chariot and horses stand until early-born Eos (the Dawn) comes. There the son of Hyperion mounts his other vehicle." - Ἠέλιος μὲν γὰρ ἔλαχεν πόνον ἤματα πάντα, οὐδέ ποτ' ἄμπαυσις γίνεται οὐδεμία ἵπποισίν τε καὶ αὐτῷ, ἐπεὶ ῥοδοδάκτυλος Ἠὼς Ὠκεανὸν προλιποῦσ' οὐρανὸν εἰσαναβῇ. τὸν μὲν γὰρ διὰ κῦμα φέρει πολυήρατος εὐνή, ποικίλη, Ἡφαίστου χερσὶν ἐληλαμένη, χρυσοῦ τιμήεντος, ὑπόπτερος, ἄκρον ἐφ' ὕδωρ εὕδονθ' ἁρπαλέως χώρου ἀφ' Ἑσπερίδων γαῖαν ἐς Αἰθιόπων, ἵνα δὴ θοὸν ἅρμα καὶ ἵπποι ἑστᾶσ', ὄφρ' Ἠὼς ἠριγένεια μόλῃ· ἔνθ' ἐπέβη ἑτέρων ὀχέων Ὑπερίονος υἱός.

Sky, forest and mountains in the water.

27 May 2013 109 29 2646
.........happy week ahead.

Heat Wave.

08 Aug 2013 140 33 1932
Wish you a peaceful weekend and coming week. Buon Ferragosto amici italiani:) Back in one week, need rest:)

The body is not the essence of the human person.

31 Jul 2013 118 27 3026
In memory. The body is not the essence of the human person. ( PLATO) Plato proves this through the process of elimination. There are three possibilities, one is that the human person is essentially a soul or a body or a combination of body and soul. The body does not rule itself, therefore it cannot be the body. And if the body does not rule itself it cannot be in combination of the body and soul ruling, therefore the soul rules over the body, and the soul is the essence of the human person.

Waiting for Saturday.

29 Jul 2013 127 18 2252
wish you a beautiful week ahead!

Summer messenger.

23 Jul 2013 119 29 2748
...........wish you all a sunny loving week.

Pandora's jar.

18 Jul 2013 148 33 3273
PANDORA was the very first woman who was formed out of clay by the gods. The Titan Prometheus had originally been assigned with the task of creating man. But because he was displeased with their lot, stole fire from heaven. Zeus was angered, and commanded Hephaistos and the other gods to create a woman, Pandora, and endow her with the beauty and cunning. He then delivered her to Epimetheus for a bride. When he had received her into his house, Pandora opened the pithos (storage jar) which Zeus had given her as a wedding present, and released the swarm of evil spirits trapped within. They would ever afterwards plague mankind. Only Elpis (Hope) remained behind, a single blessing to succor mankind in their suffering. "...........Only Hope was left within her unbreakable house, she remained under the lip of the jar, and did not fly away. Before [she could], Pandora replaced the lid of the jar. This was the will of aegis-bearing Zeus the Cloudgatherer.........."

Symphony in blue.

10 Jul 2013 101 21 2507
Wishing you a great summertime! ********************* The island of FAVIGNANA is famous for its caves of calcarenite rock (locally known as "tufo") and the ancient fishing technique of tonnara, with the trapping and mattanza (massacre) of bluefin tuna. Favignana is one of the few places in Italy where this is still done.

Silver sea.

23 Jun 2013 120 31 3013
Wish you all a wonderful summertime:)

Sailing away.

07 Jun 2013 110 29 2867
...........on vacation:) stay well.

Street at noon.

03 Jun 2013 100 19 1665
Kastro, Syphnos, Greece

265 items in total