Deborah Lundbech's photos

Quick Snap

26 Apr 2023 1 35
At the Leahy Center for Lake Champlain (Echo Museum) in Burlington, Vermont with our grandsons. They move like quicksilver. My grandsons, not the fish! ; )

Early Spring

23 Apr 2023 6 2 61
I took this a week ago to point out early signs of spring to my family (especially those in California and Florida). Those signs: Diminishing log pile, compost lid blown off with wild 45 mph wind, and indescribably lovely early spring green. One week later - everything is more lush, the serviceberry trees are blooming and there are a lot more beautiful bulbs, but the weather has become cold again and we are getting swamped with monsoon-like wind and rains. Vermont!

Two Bows and a Necklace

24 Apr 2020 5 75
Certainly qualifies for the Vintage Enormous Bows Group! She has a shy, sweet face. This is a 2" by 3" photo glued into an album give to me by a library patron. No other further information available.

13 Years Old and Bored

30 Apr 2023 3 2 68
Somewhere in my house I have a GREAT postcard of this week's Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of DOG BEHIND THE WHEEL BUT, annoyingly, I cannot find it anywhere. To make it *extra* annoying, I feel that I've seen it many times over the past year. Now it's nowhere to be found. Grrrrr. So, instead, here's one for the monthly theme of: BORED OR CONFUSED Written on the back: Eunice. 13 Years Old Eunice is clearly bored (and a bit blurry).

Shadow Photographer

05 Sep 2013 1 60
Purchased in Pittsford or Brattleboro, Vermont. Possibly taken in Brandon, VT No identification.

Stately Gardens of Walthamstow #1

04 Jan 2011 13 10 181
HFF all! Wishing everyone a happy, relaxing weekend. Not the most picturesque of gardens to play in, but enjoying it anyway. I was told that I used to pull this face all the time when I laughed. Showing off my "bubba dolly." My mother would have made the doll's dress. Walthamstow, London, England. 1956.

Cyanotype Mystery

08 Apr 2023 3 1 60
Cyanotype. Here's an extensive link to cyanotypes, if anyone is interested. It's a CDV size - although cut down. Perhaps a postcard originally? I purchased this in Vermont. It makes me think of Belgium, Holland, or Germany, but it could be anywhere. Any thoughts on the church style or the sort of wasteland appearance? Could this be post-WWI?

Her Kitty and Her Bike

19 Apr 2023 6 1 74
Snapshot measuring roughly 2" by 4". I'd guess this was taken in the 1940s. Found in Vermont but no further information. Enlarging shows off the pretty cat.

A Sweet, Serious Face

08 Apr 2023 5 1 64
Cabinet Card. Below you can see the lovely advertisement printed on the reverse of the portrait.

Bird's Eye View - Bristol, Vermont

25 Apr 2021 1 2 58
This RPPC is a view of where I live, Bristol, Vermont, taken from the ledge on Hogback Mountain or Deerleap Mountain, between 1914 and 1916. The president of the Bristol Historical Society, Reg. Dearborn, was so helpful in giving me extra information about this postcard, which I bought online. Below are some of his comments: "I was able to date picture because the Drake-Farr Block that burned in 1914 was located on corner of Main & South Street is missing. The Lathrop Block that replaced Drake-Farr and is there today wasn’t built until 1916. (I have attached a marked up picture with location.) [Below] I believe what you are seeing in picture behind Main St. are the lumber piles for the Coffin Factory. (I had thought it was an encampment of some sort.) There was also 2 tenement house for the factory located there. These were located across the river between South St. and Basin St." I can see my house in this photo, (built in 1879).Back towards the lumber piles, on the left corner is a small field. In the left hand corner of that field is a white blob. My house! Below is Reg's marked up photo and below that, a photo of Bristol, taken from Deerleap, 2003.

Bunch of Women

11 Jul 2007 3 1 66
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: X MARKS THE SPOT (an X to indicate something or someone on the photo) This photograph was taken in England and sent out to my mother's cousin Edwin Earp (called Sonny by his family) who emigrated to Australia in the 1920s. 80 years later, his granddaughter, Erin and I connected online (she's my second cousin) and she sent copies of many of the English photos to me - a treasure! I could recognize quite a lot of people from other family photos but have no idea who any of these women are. Erin had titled it "Bunch of Women" so I kept the title - and the "X" on the far left woman qualifies it for this week's theme!

Ready to Sprint for Eggs

09 Apr 2023 3 1 56
Easter Sunday, 2023 Henry, Shepherd, Emerson, Wes, Hazel.

The Jolly Baby

19 Apr 2023 2 70
Found S. Burlington, VT No identifying information.

The Clever Dog Returns and Rides

25 Oct 2011 16 8 263
HFF, everyone! My best wishes to all for a sunny, relaxing weekend. Last week's clever dog returns for an encore! If you look at this enlarged you can clearly see he's still on the chair - but in the cart. Glass plate negative from an estate sale in Bennington, Vermont.

Two Little Long Ago Girls

24 Apr 2020 4 60
From an album given to me by a library patron. No names or other information.

Springfield, Vermont, Baseball Team

31 Dec 2022 6 1 73
My husband's maternal grandfather, Ernest Illingworth, one of the coaches, is sitting at the far left of the 2nd row, wearing the fedora. He loved baseball and in his younger years probably spent some time playing for the White Socks - although we're still uncovering that history.

Flowers In The Window

23 Mar 2022 2 60
Glass Plate Negative, found in East Middlebury, Vt. 2021

Pardon Watson

17 Apr 2023 3 65
Here's a close up portrait of Pardon Watson, several years after the previous photo of him with his family. This is a Real Photo Postcard, and has a date of approximately 1904-1918.

4749 items in total